Facebook: New campaign campaign election discovery

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acknowledged that there are still active campaigns for influencing the election results on its platform. Specifically, the social network discovered a coordinated manipulation attempt aimed at influencing the results of the mid-term elections of USA in November. Dozens of fake accounts and Facebook pages should be used to influence the political race, according to New York Times reports.

Facebook attended hearings in
admitted to having discovered an appropriate activity in his investigations of previous attempts at electoral manipulation. A direct link to Russia blamed for similar campaigns in the context of the recent US presidential election, can not confirm Facebook until now. According to representatives of Facebook, Russia is likely to be involved, writes the Times.

The investigation is ongoing

The internal investigation on Facebook is still ongoing. Up to now, eight Facebook pages, 17 profiles and seven Instagram accounts have been badociated with the campaign . Two weeks ago, the concerted behavior was noticed for the first time. Facebook claims to have collaborated with
is conducting another investigation into a suspicious activity. Content played on manipulated pages and profiles revolves around controversial topics. Thus, a site called "Resistant" would have announced an event supposed to become a counter-demonstration to Washington parades of neo-Nazis in August . Facebook deleted the event.

Also an initiative of the political left in the
calling for the end of immigration, was attacked . The goal in such cases is to increase tensions within the population. In 2016, similar attempts were made as part of the " Black Lives Matter " movement, which advocates for the rights of African Americans. This action and other similar date back to the Russian Internet Research Agency. Facebook wants to prevent targeted attempts to manipulate in 2018 yet to go unnoticed.

The social network has strengthened its security by additional staff and the use of artificial intelligence. The introduction of a registration requirement for customers political advertising interventions should also help. This again
Tampering Attempts
comes for Facebook but not surprisingly. The network has vowed to be more vigilant and, if it discovers a suspicious activity, wants to collaborate with the authorities and, if possible, inform the public.


acknowledged that there are still active campaigns for influencing the election results on its platform. Specifically, the social network discovered a coordinated manipulation attempt aimed at influencing the results of the mid-term elections of USA in November. Dozens of fake accounts and Facebook pages should be used to influence the political race, according to New York Times reports.

Facebook attended hearings in
admitted to having discovered an appropriate activity in his investigations of previous attempts at electoral manipulation. A direct link to Russia blamed for similar campaigns in the context of the recent US presidential election, can not confirm Facebook until now. According to representatives of Facebook, Russia is likely to be involved, writes the Times.

The investigation is ongoing

The internal investigation on Facebook is still ongoing. Up to now, eight Facebook pages, 17 profiles and seven Instagram accounts have been badociated with the campaign . Two weeks ago, the concerted behavior was noticed for the first time. Facebook claims to have collaborated with
is conducting another investigation into a suspicious activity. Content played on manipulated pages and profiles revolves around controversial topics. Thus, a site called "Resistant" would have announced an event supposed to become a counter-demonstration to Washington parades of neo-Nazis in August . Facebook deleted the event.

Also an initiative of the political left in the
calling for the end of immigration, was attacked . The goal in such cases is to increase tensions within the population. In 2016, similar attempts were made as part of the " Black Lives Matter " movement, which advocates for the rights of African Americans. This action and other similar date back to the Russian Internet Research Agency. Facebook wants to prevent targeted attempts to manipulate in 2018 yet to go unnoticed.

The social network has strengthened its security by additional staff and the use of artificial intelligence. The introduction of a registration requirement for customers political advertising interventions should also help. This again
Tampering Attempts
comes for Facebook but not surprisingly. The network is committed to being more vigilant and, when it discovers a suspicious activity, wants to work with the authorities and, if possible, inform the public.

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