Facebook: Police insulted with Emoji – 50 Euro penalty – Lower Austria


It's no secret that you can not reprimand a policeman. However, that one can be punished for an emoji in a Facebook group, came for Christoph H. (26 years old) from Hainburg (Bruck District of Leitha) surprising – he has to pay 50 euros, the contribution of the BH came by mail.


Penalty of 50 euros for an emoji on Facebook – What do you think of that?

In late May, he was angry in the social network on a hidden radar trap and provided him with an emoji finger. introduced the bill for that. "A policeman had to see the post in the group and then searched my data," said the 26-year-old.

Considered as a direct insult

The police argue that the group in which the article was written has about 6,000 members and therefore includes a larger group of people. Because Christoph H. wrote the word "you" in front of the emoji, it was a direct insult to the police officer, who could be punished under §1 of the Police Act of Lower- Austria

Christoph H. has not yet paid the fine. "I want to use my legal protection before and know if you can be punished for anything like this," he says to "Today" . That Facebook users can make themselves liable to insults is not new. However, it is doubtful that even a bad emoji is enough for that.

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