False police captured 410,000 euros of old people «kleinezeitung.at


They claim to be police officers and ask the elderly for jewelry and money. The victims search for them in the repertoire.

15:01, 07 July 2018

© KLZ / Weichselbraun (Photo)

Bad police call in Vienna. They are trying to get seniors to buy money and jewelry. The Orf reports that in the meantime more than 80 victims have reported to the police. Seven of them would have given jewels or money to thieves. According to the courier, the total damages amounted to 410,000 euros

The last case, according to the police, took place on Thursday. The alleged policeman called a Viennese 71-year-old. He claimed that the woman's daughter had caused a serious car accident. A damage of 58 000 euros had been raised.

The amount must necessarily pay the elderly lady, otherwise their daughter would go to jail, claimed the fraudster. The woman met the cheater and gave her jewels and gold ducats worth more than 40,000 euros.

Victims of Ingeborg

Scammers are likely to choose their victims in the phone book. They look at the older names. The women named Ingeborg were called 30 times, the courier quoting an investigator.



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