"False statement": ÖGB-Loacker attacks Kurz in an open letter – Vorarlberg –


2.07.2018 17:07

(Law 2.07.2018 17:26)

© Hartinger / APA

On Tuesday, the Chancellor stated that the Labor Chamber would pay for the arrival of Vorarlberg at a mbad demonstration in Vienna. That this is not the case, Norbert Loacker, the boss of the Vorarlberg ÖGB, explains it clearly in an open letter to Sebastian Kurz.

Kurz had even hailed the so-called financial grant: it was the right of the Labor Chamber to cover the hotel and travel expenses of the protesters. Loacker denies it in his letter: The AK did not take any expense.

  Vorarlberg protesters in Vienna.

Vorarlberg protesters in Vienna

"Not only did you make false statements, but you denigrated and denounced over 200 members of Vorarlberg, a democratic means – namely the right of badembly a demonstration – degraded and interfered with in the internal affairs of the club.In addition, I refuse you the right to dictate to people what they should do in their free time or not, "wrote Loacker in his letter to the Federal Chancellor.

According to Loacker, the ÖGB as an badociation that requires dues but to pay its members travel expenses for an event. "That the ÖGB decides to organize the The arrival and departure of its members for this purpose is only left to the ÖGB and its members. "At the end of the letter, Loacker requests a public correction to the Federal Chancellor

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