Farm completely destroyed after Grobrand


Farm completely destroyed after Grobrand

VCKLAMARKT. A farm in Vcklamarkt (Vcklabruck district) was completely destroyed by a fire on Thursday. As the police reported in the evening, a damage of more than a million euros.

17 firefighters are currently used. Photo: Foto Kerschi

At 10:35, the fire broke out on a debris near the hay and straw camp. Twenty fire brigades fought the flames all day and emergency services were still operational in the evening

To dehumanize the khe, the unit had been lit and hung on the door. When the appliance started to burn, the fire quickly spread into the business building, so that the farm burned down completely.


The residential area is now uninhabitable. All residents were able to escape fire, but four animals were dead. The remaining animals, about 70, could be safely out of the stable.

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