Farmer dies in work accident with tractor in Weitersfelden


Farmer dies in work accident with tractor in Weitersfelden Kienberger

Online since today, 09:47


Firefighters Harrachstal, Weitersfelden and St. Oswald near Freistadt were alerted to a tragic accident at Weitersfelden (Freistadt district).

"A 41-year-old man from the district of Freistadt hoisted a winch on his tractor at about 8 am on November 26, 2018. He had to fix the lower points first and then remove the stakes. upper attachment to three points, the winch must be tilted forward while the hydraulic sinks. The man carrying the weight of the winch at the upper body level has been pressed against the tractor and pinched, "reports the police.
The three fire brigades were able to free the man by means of a rolling train and Bergegert. The emergency doctor of the helicopter ambulance alarmed Christophorus 10 carried out measures of resuscitation even longer, but to no avail. For the farmer, unfortunately, any help arrived late, he died at the scene of the accident.

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648px” title=”Farmer dies in work accident with tractor in Weitersfelden | Photo: Kienberger” alt=”A farmer dies in a work accident with a tractor in Weitersfelden "border =" 0″/>

Photo: Kienberger


Weitersfelden Fire Department
Harrachstal Fire Department
Firefighters St. Oswald near Freistadt
Emergency doctor Christophorus helicopter 10
Red Cross



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Photo: Kienberger | Stock Photo: 169093

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by Mario Kienberger, Matthias Lauber
created on 26.11.2018 at 09:30,
Released on 26.11.2018 at 09:47,
last updated on 26/11/2018 at 14:34.

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