Federal government is serious about the Kassenfusion "kleinezeitung.at


The Austrian social security system is vigorously agitated: unimpressed by the protests sparked by the revision, the federal government sent Wednesday its reform of the single desk. In the future, there will be only five funds instead of 21. Workers lose their influence, self-employed workers and civil servants remain in their coffers.

6:40 pm, October 24, 2018


"It was successful," Minister of Health Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) told the Council of Ministers about the government bill's decision. Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) spoke about one of the central projects of the government. He made about 40 concretions, but the goal was persistent despite "fear and alarmism".

Kurz said that it would be possible to save "about a billion". "Over one billion administrations, we want to make billions of patients wait in the future," said Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ). The number is, according to the details of the turquoise-blue cabinet, however, a pure estimate. The documents to the law have been adjusted according to the criticisms of the Court of Auditors accordingly. In the first version, only 33 million euros had been mentioned in the official document as a potential savings until 2023.

According to the government bill, the nine regional health insurance funds are grouped together in a single institution called the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK). In the future, this system will be juxtaposed to the Social Insurance Institution of the Independents (SVS, including farmers) as well as to the Public Service, Railways and Mines (BVAEB). The Pensionsversicherungsanstalt (PV) will remain in place, as will the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA), which will no longer be responsible for accidents in the case of contractors.

Above all, the federal government sells its reform through the mbadive reduction of cashiers. In fact, there is a strong intervention here and the strength of the workers is reduced to parity with the employers. It is emphasized that constitutionally protected self-government is maintained.

The revision of contributions goes to funding. The main badociation of social security funds is de facto dissolved (the so-called "lite" government) and transformed into an umbrella organization, which holds the rotating chairmanship among the leaders of the five small social security funds.

As the fronts of the reform were revealed on Wednesday at the National Council, where the law is yet to be pbaded in December: the turquoise blue shows no willingness to react to the parliamentary treatment currently launched of the government bill on the concerns raised during the review. . "All that comes to the critics will be in the air," said FPÖ club president Walter Rosenkranz. The chairman of the ÖVP club, August Wöginger, told the SPÖ leadership that all criticism, such as unconstitutionality, "will collapse like the current structure of your party".

Pamela Rendi-Wagner, leader of the SPÖ party, however, criticized the fact that the reform does not improve the situation of the population of this country. NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger called the promised billion a "hocus-pocus", and List Mushroom MP Daniela Holzinger denounced the "disempowerment of the insured".

The National Council sparked a clash between two health ministers – the former Rendi-Wagner and the current Hartinger-Klein. Hartinger-Klein retorted on the allegations of injustice and deterioration of the SP by reference to the "system you left me". The conflict between the two women politicians was repeatedly interrupted by indignant interjection by the other party – so that Ms. Hartinger-Klein even asked the help of the President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP), who ensured peace of mind for his subsequent remarks. Later, he spoke of a "turbulent discussion".

Outside Parliament, Alexander Biach, head of the Social Security Main Fund faced with the dissolution, faced many other problems. Criticism has also been made by the Chamber of Labor, the union and health insurance. The Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Industrialists, meanwhile, have welcomed their reform.

An irreconcilable debate has developed during the "urgent investigation" of the SPÖ on the reform of the health insurance system. Especially, coalition and SPÖ covered themselves from attack to attack. NEOS social spokesperson Gerald Loacker dismantled the government's plans, as did the boss of the mushroom club, Bruno Rossmann. Two problems have proved to be particular problems, on the one hand the savings of one billion saved by the coalition and, on the other hand, the repudiation of committees denounced by the opposition.

NEOS's mandate, Josef Schellhorn, provoked verbal excitement. At the beginning of his speech on social security reform, he told Social Affairs Minister Hartinger-Klein, also on his predatory scarf: "You jumped into the shoes of a lioness and you have finished like a bedside rug. " Schellhorn apologized at the request of the President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP). This was not enough for liberal women. Women's spokeswoman Carmen Schimanek (FPÖ), spoke of a scandalous badist derailment of repeater Schellhorn. Club boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger is expected to condemn his teammate to a follow-up in terms of behavior.

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