Festspiele begins with the three heads of government – News


Federal Chancellor Kurz (ÖVP) had a lot to do before the premiere of the "Magic Flute" on Friday night at the Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg

Kurz met at the Salzburg Festival, inaugurated Friday by the President Federal Alexander Van der Bellen three counterparts for bilateral talks on bilateral relations and the Austrian presidency.

Estonia, Czech Republic, England

The Federal Chancellor organized a joint photo opportunity with his Estonian counterparts Jüri Rats and Andrej Babis of the Czech Republic. Around 5 pm, British Prime Minister Theresa May arrived and invited Kurz to attend the premiere of the "Magic Flute" during a visit to London. All politicians came "with an attachment" – even Sebastian Kurz's girlfriend, Susanne Thier, completed one of her rare public appearances (see slide show)

Avoiding the Hard Brexit

Kurz describes the imminent release of the European Union as a "negative" decision this should be respected. "We have to avoid a hard Brexit," he explained. May wish "fruitful relations" with the Union.

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