Fewer blood donors due to the Football World Cup – noe.ORF.at


According to the Red Cross, there are currently fewer stored stocks of blood than usual. The reason is the holidays, but also the World Cup, which attracts the attention and time of blood donors, it is said

football match instead of blood donation – this problem is currently the concern for the Red Cross. "We feel the Football World Cup," says Johanna Scholz, donated blood noe.ORF.at. The World Cup would attract people's attention and they would rather have football for blood donations.

In general, summer and holidays are difficult, says Scholz. Although the Red Cross does not talk about scarcity, but "stock levels are not what we would like them," said Scholz. Therefore, the Red Cross calls to give blood even in the summer

  donate blood

dpa / Patrick Seeger

It is emphasized that volunteer donors are not all at the same time, but spread out on all summer because the stored blood is stable only for 42 days. "It would be ideal if people came to donate blood before their holidays," Scholz asks. The reason is that travel medications, vaccinations and stays abroad, especially in the distance, could limit the ability to give.

Currently, only 3.65% of the given population donates blood. Every 90 seconds, a blood bank is needed. On average, 1,000 blood banks a day are needed in Austrian hospitals. Therefore, the Red Cross especially wants to encourage young people to become blood donors and thus save lives.


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