First criminal trial for the federal presidential election |


First criminal trial for the election of the Federal President

KLAGENFURT. Mayor of Villach on the dock – The trial of Freistend Behrdenleiter in the courts is open

  First criminal case because of the federal presidential election

Van der Bellen on May 22, 2016 Image : APA / HELMUT FOHRINGER

In May 2016, the second round of the federal presidential election took place between Alexander Van der Bellen and Norbert Hofer, which was finally lifted due to irregularities. Today, on Thursday, the first criminal case begins at the Regional Court of Klagenfurt. During the negotiations planned for today and Friday, the mayor of Villach Galther Albel (SP) and nine other people must respond. The presumption of innocence applies

The focus is on two documents. "In a transcript, members of the district electoral authority confirmed that the electoral cards had been duly counted, even though they had not been present at any time for the badessment and voting of the voters. votes by correspondence, "said Eva Jost-Draxl, spokeswoman for the Klagenfurt Regional Court. In the second protocol, they confirmed the holding of a district electoral college meeting on polling day, even though this session had not taken place.

False attestation

The members of the Villach District Electoral Authority are accused of false certification and standing certification. Due to several complaints, the department head of the registration and registration office must respond. He was the only one not to be a member of the Electoral Board and cut the envelopes, took the electoral cards and counted with his staff. Thus, he is accused of probation and falsification of evidence – and he would have testified wrongly before the Constitutional Court.

Klagenfurt is the beginning of a wave of laws, the Prosecutor's Office of Corruption (WKStA), which takes action against 246 people has, opened. The procedures were established at five of the 14 electoral authorities. According to WKStA spokeswoman Silvia Thaller, the prosecutor's office has not yet decided whether the head of the only electoral office badigned to Freistadt in Austria should appear in court.

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