Flights to Leibnitz and Graz «


Graz, 26, said he was robbed Saturday by three men in Schönaugbade. Southern Styrian, 21, told the police that he had been robbed Friday night by three strangers in front of a Leibniz nightclub.

7:06 pm, November 10, 2018


Two robberies were reported Saturday afternoon to the Styrian police, who demand clues to the population.

Case 1:

Around 9:45, a 26-year-old man, Grazer, according to his own information in the newspaper Grazer Schönaugbade deprived of three strangers. One of the three had punched him in the face, which had brought him down and slightly injured him. As a result, one of the authors of the 26-year-old girl's cell phone was stolen from the back pocket, before the three men from Schönaugbade fled south.

The 26-year-old complained shortly thereafter in a police department. The investigative measures immediately initiated after the three authors had been unsuccessful to date.

Description of the person of the suspects:

  • Man, about 20-26 years old, about 185 cm tall, slender figure, dark brown eyes, long brown hair, white tracksuit jacket, light blue jeans, white shoes;
  • Man, about 20 to 26 years, about 165 cm tall, brown eyes, slender build, shorter black hair, red knit sweater, black jeans;
  • Man, about 17-18 years old, about 160 cm tall, slender figure, black waistcoat with a white line on the chest, black jogging pants, short black hair;
  • The three authors may be, according to the victim of foreign origin.

The investigation was entrusted to the criminal service of the police command of the city.

The police are asking for information from people who were traveling in the Schönaugbade at the time. Phone number 059133 / 65-3333

Case 2:

A 21-year-old Southern Styrian said on Saturday night at Leibnitz deprived of three unknown authors.

On Saturday afternoon, the 21-year-old from Leibnitz District reported that he had already been robbed of strangers by three people during the night. The three men approached him at 2 am while he was smoking outside in a pub. According to the 21-year-old, the attackers asked him if he could change money. When he seized the wallet, one of the three men suddenly hit him. Another had finally fixed it on the ground, while the third should have pulled the purse more than 200 euros from the back pocket.

After all, the three authors reportedly fled in an unknown direction with a Slovenian pbadenger car, which they did not know.

A description of the author could not give to 21 years old. The investigation is underway.

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