Flood Investigations of Vienna – wien.ORF.at


Suddenly occurring water mbades carried three workers to the Wien River on Tuesday and three vehicles. The marine and electricity department is now studying whether there has been negligence.

The Viennese Municipal Department 45 (Vienna Waters) still did not know why the workers were surprised and seized by the rapid rise in the water level. "Sensors and recordings are evaluated and viewed," said Thomas Kozuh-Schneeberger, spokesperson for MA-45. But such floods can also occur suddenly in a "high rainfall event" when soils are dry.

Workers taken away despite the warning

Tuesday's storm came so fast that three workers, despite warnings from the local magistrate, did not move.

"We have definitely not opened a lock in the Wien," he contradicted a worker's statement in the Thursday edition of a free newspaper: "We do not have locks in the Wienfluss, but only in the region of Auhof." Kozuh-Schneeberger pointed out.

Three men surprised by the water

In any case, During a storm, the Wien River suddenly became very swollen.The three men, aged 27, 38 and 59, were working in the underground part of the riverbed beneath the city park when they were hit by the The floods tore them apart, two delivery trucks and a car with an elevator – more on that in bad weather: Three workers rescued from Wienfluss – firefighters were later able to pick up the cars – more about it in Wienfluss vehicles recovered


Determined Sea and Electricity Service

Why were the men still in the river bed when the flood waters arrived, they are still being clarified. Workers who worked elsewhere in the Wien River managed to leave the river bed on time. Police officers from the Vienna Police Department are now investigating the presence of negligence, police spokesman Patrick Maierhofer said. The accident could also have criminal consequences if it was forwarded to the prosecutor.


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