Floods after storms in Carinthia



Due to persistent heavy rains in Carinthia, the levels of the Drava, Möll and Gail rivers are high on Sunday. However, as the peak is expected only in the night from Monday to Tuesday, the province of Carinthia and the emergency services have prepared. The tanks were partially lowered to four meters deep and the crash bars were called.

According to experts, the forecasts indicate a flood of 30 to 100 years (HQ 30 – HQ 100). The tanks have been lowered as much as possible: "We do not know how far we can catch up on the measures," State Councilor Daniel Fellner (SPÖ) said Sunday at the end of a meeting of the Coordination Committee in Klagenfurt. The summoned crisis bars were ready. By Sunday evening, the Gail flow had already reached the level of a flood of five to ten years at several checkpoints. At the Möll Springs, Sunday evening values ​​were at a flood level of one to five years.

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Especially along the Drava and Möll, the risk of flooding is estimated high or very high. At the impending flood came in the night Sunday not expected in this intensity Föhnsturm in the region of Ferlach. This resulted in obstructed roads, power outages and water supply problems.

"We are taking every precaution to minimize the threat of damage," said Fellner, adding, "However, these predictions may change.This should not cause panic, but we want to be well prepared for the safety of the population. Carinthia "Markus Hudobnik, Civil Protection Commissioner of the Province of Carinthia, said:" The necessary reduction of the Drau reservoirs has been achieved.The main objective now must be to reduce the flow of water to Lavamünd to minimize the damage. "

On Saturday evening, Verbund lowered the water levels of the Edling, Ferlach and Annabrücke reservoirs. Also with Slovenia was contacted according to Hudobnik already Saturday. Calculations showed that the Drava flow due to heavy rains on Monday and Tuesday would reach 2,000 to 2,400 cubic meters per second.

"We ask the people of the affected areas of Gail, Möll and especially the Drava to be vigilant, pay attention to radio and television news and collaborate, if necessary, as much as possible with light organizations. are already on alert, "Fellner said. "The reservoir in Edling has been lowered to four meters, a stand that we have never seen and which will, of course, affect the fish population and other things," said Völkermarkts District Captain Gert Klösch. He stressed that "the well-being and health of the population of Lavamünd must be our top priority" and added: "Based on current forecasts, we expect Drau de Lavamünd to overflow from its banks. The initial measures for the protection of the property have already been defined.Other decisions, including any evacuations in the area of ​​the point of emptying, will be taken depending on the evolution of the situation . "

While the floods in Upper Carinthia are expected to be punctual, the greatest damage is currently in Lavamünd: Lavamünd is already flooded with a flow of 1,450 cubic meters. "We hope to reach a value of 1,800 cubic meters because of the lowering of the tanks.With flooded basements and flooded streets, we must wait in all cases," warned Fejan.

Also in Salzburg, heavy rains on Sunday in Pinzgau, Pongau and Lungau resulted in high water levels. In Großarl, Bad Hofgastein and Rauris, the reporting limit was reached in the morning. During Sunday and also at the beginning of the week, the running waters of southern Salzburg are under "strict observation", as announced by the hydrographic service of the country.

"The obvious increase in water supply is mainly due to the precipitation fields in Upper Carinthia, which sporadically spread south on the main peak of the Alps and bring partially rich rains," said Harald Huemer of the Hydrographic Service. According to experts, the water levels of Rauriser, Gasteiner and Großarler Ache can reach the warning limit during Sunday's day. The high snowfall limit of about 2,000 meters can make it difficult to predict additional rainfall. In the next two days, especially in the Lungau and Oberpinzgau, expect a lot of rain.

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