For the family bonus SPÖ is a penalty – News


The turquoise-blue government again defended its prestige project at the National Council on Wednesday before deciding on the family bonus


What do you think of the family bonus?

Family Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauß (ÖVP) speaks of "incredibly big relief". The same goes for the FPÖ's financial spokesman, Hermann Brückl. It is "relieving the indigenous population".

"There are many ways to invest in our children, including providing them with material well-being. This government is now taking advantage of the family bonus »Brückl

Unlike the ÖVP and the FPÖ, the SPÖ really can not do anything with the project. She sees in the cuts in the minimum income, in the services of consultation and care, even a "family penalty".

"Every child is worth the same"

"Every child is worth the same to take into account the government," said SPÖ leader Christian Kern in June on plans – "heute .at ".

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" Recognition "of families

Finance Minister Hartwig Löger (ÖVP), however, fully supports the government project: "The Family Bonus Plus Relieves families of their tax burden up to € 1,500 per child per year More than 80% Families will fully benefit from the 1.5 billion euro bonus is a measure that recognizes the families they deserve. "

The Family Bonus Plus is expected to come into force despite harsh criticism from January 1, 2019.

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