For the moment, no US fare is expected on EU cars.


EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström does not expect the US to impose tariffs on European cars before the end of negotiations on the subject.

If the US decided to impose car import tariffs now, they would not apply to the European Union, Malmström said Tuesday during an organized event by the German Marshall Fund in Washington.

Malmström met Wednesday with US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. Two US government officials told the Reuters news agency that the Commerce Department had sent a recommendation to the General Council office asking if special duties of up to 25 percent were to be imposed on imported cars and parts. United States for reasons of national security.

US President Donald Trump has threatened to impose an import duty on European cars if the EU does not reduce its trade barriers. This could affect, among others, German automakers such as Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW.

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