Force on Exile Return of Vice President: Eleven Dead | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Kabul – Accompanied by violence, controversial Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum returned home on Sunday. After landing at Kabul airport, a bomber exploded there in the middle of the crowd, according to authorities, was waiting for the Dostum. At least 11 people were killed and 14 wounded, and the vice president remained intact.

The explosion occurred at the airport entrance when government officials, politicians and supporters of Dostum gathered. Dostum had already sailed in an armored car, according to an AFP journalist. He was unscathed, confirmed his spokesperson

. Dostum escaped to Turkey last May for threatening to mistreat, kidnap and rape in Afghanistan. He allegedly ordered his bodyguards to abduct, torture and abuse his opponent for days to the end of 2016.

Dostum is an Uzbek ethnician and the minority leader influential in northern Afghanistan. He helped the United States in 2001 to reduce the power of radical Islamic Taliban. At the same time, it is very controversial because of serious crimes after the fall of the Taliban. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had appointed Dostum as his deputy in 2014 to score among the ethnic minorities in the north of his country.

According to Ghani's spokesman, Dostum was "treated" and should be vice-president on his return from the country. Resume abroad. Questions about possible investigations against Dostum dodged the spokesperson. The judiciary is independent, the government "does not interfere in their decisions," he says. ( APA / dpa )

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