Foreign Minister 150 euros continues to indignant – News


In a television interview, Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) answered on Tuesday whether one could live with 150 euros a month, with the words: "If you still have the apartment, so yes. " With this statement, the minister made for a giant vortex. Not only in the ranks of the opposition – Max Lercher of the SPÖ insinuated to be mundane and President BZÖ-Carinthia Helmut Nikel demanded his resignation – came properly criticized, especially the population is misunderstanding and l & rsquo; Indignation if the "mundane views" of Minister


What do you think: Do you get in with 150 euros per month?

Reader's comments "Today" highlight the resentment of the Austrians: Such words are hard to believe. Nobody can live with 150 euros a month, everyone is in agreement. Many wonder how a person who obviously has no idea of ​​how the majority of Austrians deal with everyday life may call them Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection. if one comes to eat corn flakes every day, "" Let them show "," The mouth of a minister of social affairs! "The lady is immediately dismissed from office, if the other ministers in her ministries are as mundane and inhuman tick and it is the line of Basti and Heinzi, then" good night, Austria! " An insult to all workers "are just a few of the many comments on the controversial saga of Hartinger-Klein.

According to our survey (as of 28.7., 20:15, 3945 participants), 32% The Minister Whitens his position, while 30% can not believe that such words come from the mouth of the Minister of Social Affairs.

The Minister Hartinger in the speech "Today"

The 62-year-old parent Not even party colleagues shine with silence, while the opposition takes the embarrbading blunder as an opportunity to deal with the government.

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