Forest fires in California – At least 25 dead – No clearance


Los Angeles (APA / AP) – The number of forest fire victims in California has risen to at least 25. In the Paradise region alone, a city in northern California, 23 victims have been found, announced Saturday night. Butte County Fire Department (local time). More people are feared in the ruins of burned houses.

Due to high winds and low humidity, fires and the speed of propagation would remain extreme. In addition, two other people were found dead in Malibu, a burning coastal city, as reported by Los Angeles District Police Chief John Benedict.

Firefighters also said the 23 victims of the so-called "campfire" in paradise were civilians and more than three firefighters were injured. More than 6450 houses have been hit by flames since Thursday, about 15 000 buildings are under threat. More than 4000 firefighters are used in the fight against flames.

So, the fire in paradise is one of the worst fires in the history of the west coast state. The magnitude of the destruction is hard to describe, said the mayor of the small community, the American channel CNN. His house was set on fire, as all members of the city council lost their homes, said Jody Jones. They face "hard work" to rebuild the place.

In the area north of Los Angeles, two fires affected tens of thousands of people. The Woolsey fire said charred an area of ​​over 280 square kilometers Saturday night. At least 150 homes were burned, said the fire department. About 50,000 buildings are still in danger. However, as the winch slowed down, fire crews progressed. The conflagration is now limited to five percent, he said.

For several cities, including the famous city of Malibu, but was still at the weekend, an eviction order. Dozens of homes were burned, said the mayor of Malibu. He asked residents to stay away for the moment.

Many celebrities have expensive villas on the coast and in the adjacent hills. Stars such as singer and actress Lady Gaga, director and winner of an Oscar Guillermo del Toro and television personalities Caitlyn Jenner and Kim Kardashian have been affected by evacuations.

He and his wife were taken safely to a beach, said Martin Sheen, a 78-year-old star of the 78-year-old Apocalypse Now. They would probably spend the night in their car. It was the worst fire in Malibu in 48 years. He has little hope that his house is still standing.

US President Donald Trump has accused California authorities of mismanagement. "There is no reason for these mbadive, deadly and expensive fires in California, with the exception of poor forest management," Trump wrote on Twitter. Billions of dollars are spent each year and many people are still dying. He threatened the state-run Democrats to withdraw federal funds.

The California Fire Fighters Federation (CPF) responded. Trump said "an uninformed political threat to the innocent victims of these devastating fires," said the badociation's chief, Brian Rice. It was also a "shameful" attack against firefighters who risked their lives.

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