Former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson attacked the Mays Brexit course "


Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson criticized Prime Minister Theresa May for her new course on Brexit. "We burned the trading capital," said Johnson during his first appearance after his resignation on Wednesday in parliament. The Prime Minister's new Brexit plan leads to a Brexit in name only, without Britain actually leaving the EU.

17.44, July 18, 2018


May must return to the positions of her first speech on Brexit. "It is not too late to save Brexit," he said. If the Prime Minister restores this "vision", it could deliver "a big Brexit". [Johnson Johnson] Criticizes, among others, Johnson sees Britain as giving the European Court of Justice a role in future relations with the EU. He also criticized London's promise to settle a final bill of 40 to 45 billion euros. Even worse, Johnson has given way to a fixed border problem in Ireland. Technical solutions for border controls were rejected without review.

The question of border controls between Northern Ireland and Ireland, a member of the EU, is considered the most delicate issue of the Brexit negotiations. In fact, all parties want to prevent checks, but we do not know how to do it when Britain leaves the European Customs Union and then establishes an external border between Ireland and Ireland North.

The members of a customs union agree on common external tariffs. Internal border controls are therefore superfluous. However, London wants to give it up to conclude its own free trade agreements with third countries like the United States and China.

May wants to solve the problem by means of a complicated customs agreement with the EU. The United Kingdom should impose two different tariffs on its ports: one for goods destined for the EU and another for goods remaining in the United Kingdom. Johnson described this plan Wednesday as "fanciful".

Johnson is a prominent Brexit scholar, and within the conservative ruling party he would have aspirations for the post of prime minister. Minister Johnson and Brexit Minister David Davis resigned last week from a dispute over the Prime Minister's new plan to leave the EU, causing a government crisis

Since then, May has makes concessions to his party. His position is extremely weak. On Monday, she accepted several amendments from Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg on the Customs Bill. According to this agreement, the tariff agreement should come into force only if the EU also levies customs duties at its borders for Great Britain. Critics believe that the Prime Minister's new Brexit plan is doomed to failure.

Tuesday, May narrowly escaped defeat in Parliament against pro-European MPs of his party. They had tried to force the government, with the help of the opposition, to negotiate a customs union with the EU if it had not been there. commercial agreement with Brussels by January. Britain will leave the EU on March 29, 2019.

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