How an infusion can increase life expectancy
Can we use in the future a protein transmitted by the blood to increase our overall life expectancy? Researchers have now discovered that injecting a protein into the blood of younger mice seemed to be a kind of fountain of youth for older mice. The infusion meant that the life expectancy of the animals increased by almost 20%.
A recent study by the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, found that a protein found in the blood of younger mice injected into older mice improves the lifespan of mice. older animals. The results of the study were published in the English journal "Cell Metabolism".

What is eNAMPT?
A protein called eNAMPT, found in the blood of younger mice, may allow older rodents to stay healthy and longer. Older mice that received the protein improved cognitive function and sleep quality, and the lifespan of the animals was 20% longer. In humans, this corresponds to a mbadive extension of life expectancy from 79 to 91 years, report the authors of the study. The findings suggest that this method could be the secret of preventing age-related diseases and an anti-aging method for humans. The protein eNAMPT normally plays a role in the production of energy. However, as the body ages, cells lose their effectiveness in producing this energy called NAD, say the researchers. As we know that NAD inevitably decreases with age, many researchers are interested in looking for anti-aging measures to maintain NAD rates in the elderly.
eNAMPT significantly increases life expectancy
In the present study, one group of older mice received concentrated eNAMPT from younger mice and another group received saline. The mice in the saline group all died in about 2.4 years, while the animals receiving eNAMPT lived about 2.8 years. This means that the lifespan of the mice in the protein group was about 16% longer than that of the control animals. Older mice with higher concentrations of this blood component also had better sleep quality, improved cognitive function in memory tests, and ran more in the cages of their cages, report the authors. It should be noted that eNAMPT can be taken from the blood of young mice and administered to older mice, resulting in a significant improvement in the health of these mice, including increased physical activity and better sleep, have added the researchers.
What role does the hypothalamus play?
The reason we age more quickly when the protein is degraded is probably related to the hypothalamus, speculate the authors. The hypothalamus is the region of the brain recognized for its social behavior and its production of hormones. It is regulated to a large extent by the protein studied. It has recently been discovered that hypothalamic stem cells control the aging process of the body. As researchers suspect that the hypothalamus also no longer works because the level of the key protein studied decreases during aging. For future research, the team wants to determine if low levels of eNAMPT protein are badociated with diseases in the elderly and if it can be used as an anti-aging intervention. (As)
This article is based on the following sources:
Editor: Cell metabolism
Title: ENAMPT containing extracellular vesicles delays aging and prolongs the lifespan of mice
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