FPÖ Vienna calls for the creation of weapons-free zones at hot spots – political


26.11.2018 16:38

(Law 26.11.2018 16:38)

At the Praterstern, a weapons ban zone would be possible for the Vienna FPÖ.

At the Praterstern, a weapons ban zone would be possible for the Vienna FPÖ.
© APA (subject)

For more security, the Vienna FPÖ wants to create unarmed areas in the city. For example, such a ban could apply to Praterstern, Handelskai or train stations.

The Innsbruck arms ban, which will apply from 1 December, could also be extended to other regions. Commissioned by Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, the nine headquarters of the state police must examine and eventually create public places for temporary interdiction zones. "The possibility of creating weapons-free zones, as decided in the latest amendment to the Security Police Act on August 15, 2018, is significant contribution to the protection of the population," said Kickl. Police officers in these areas are allowed to search people's clothing, vehicles and containers if there are "clear indications of an urgent suspicion of violation of the regulations".

FPÖ: Weapon Prohibition Zones are also required in Vienna

On the occasion of the advance of Kickl, Johann Gudenus also asks for such areas for Vienna. Concretely, the Praterstern, Gumpendorfer Straße, Handelskai and the railway stations of the city are mentioned as examples.

"It is time to act and protect the Austrian people as much as possible, such acts can never be excluded, but we can and must do everything we can to minimize the dangers. place such areas free from weapons, "said Gudenus.

The prohibition does not include only weapons

The prohibition is not limited to weapons, but also to appropriate objects that "serve, in the circumstances, to exert force against persons or property" such as knives. The ban does not apply to people carrying guns in the practice of their profession or under firearms license in these places.

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