France rejects a global trade agreement with the United States «


It almost seemed like the trade dispute between the European Union and the United States of America had calmed down. Some political observers have even spoken of a loosening of the situation. The reason for this relief: the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the US President, Donald Trump, have agreed in Washington, surprisingly, to waive for the moment the special rights on European cars. Instead, there should be negotiations to remove trade barriers.

The talks were sealed via Twitter, as usual for the leader of the White House. On Twitter, Trump found a "close friendship" and prophesied "strong business relationships in which we will both win." Later, he even added a photo showing Juncker kissing her on the cheek. Until now, so well known. However, the euphoria stopped on Friday night: French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would reject a comprehensive trade agreement between the EU and the United States.

Circumstances have not allowed an agreement such as the TTIP project, Macron said during a visit to Spain. He also expects clear US moves regarding additional steel and aluminum tariffs, which are also perceived by Europeans. In addition, agriculture should be excluded from negotiations between the United States and the EU

Undisputed business relations

As the Point reports about the l & # 39; AFP agency, Macron said during his visit to Sanchez: and France has never wanted a trade war, so the discussion of yesterday, insofar as it allows us to reduce unnecessary tensions and to work to appease, is helpful. "But the French president quickly added: can not be balanced, reciprocal, and in no way based on threats." Paris has a number of questions and concerns that "we will clarify."

On his ideas on what should a trade deal look like Macron said that he believes that existing European standards in the areas of the environment, health

Trump praises "l & # 39; Very intelligent man "Juncker

Meanwhile, Trump practiced the mid-European hour of Friday morning, to the glory of Juncker. "He is really a very stubborn man, very smart and very good," said Trump in Granite City, Ill., "Of course, if I had not agreed with him, I would not go back. would have said that he was a terrible person. " The agreement with the European Union is a real step towards reducing trade barriers. It was important for him that a fair and mutually beneficial system be built.

Trump is also surprised by a statement on world trade: "The trade deficit has ballooned to $ 817 billion (702 billion euros) a year (.. If we had not negotiated, we would have saved a lot of money. "From Trump's point of view, the United States was a" big stupid piggy bank ", which all had looted.

>>> Report "The Point"

(light / APA / Reuters / dpa)

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