Fraud: Austrian arrested in Basel – Austria


7.11.2018 16:23

(Act 7.11.2018 16:23)

A 17-year-old Austrian was arrested in Basel on Tuesday.

A 17-year-old Austrian was arrested in Basel on Tuesday.
© APA / Barbara Gindl

A 17-year-old Austrian was arrested in Basel on Tuesday. It is said that he facilitated the retirement of several thousand francs.

In Basel, a 17-year-old Austrian was arrested on Tuesday for fraud. She would have thrown several thousand francs from a pensioner to the "grid of pity," said Wednesday the prosecutor of Basel-City in a statement. The details of the accused have not been disclosed at the request of the APA with respect to the age of the woman in adolescence.

17 years could capture money with pity

The case was turned over to the county's juvenile lawyer's office, according to the press release. In any case, the 17-year-old does not live in Switzerland. However, she had approached a 75-year-old man on the street, claiming that she lived in the area, that she was in desperate need of money and that she was in a desperate situation. In the near future, she will be in the street with her grandchild, because she has arrears of payment and is deprived of several rents.

The retiree wanted to help him out of compbadion and give him the money for the outstanding rents. He went to a bank and handed the young woman several thousand francs. When the 17-year-old man was introduced again the next day to persuade the 75-year-old to attend another meeting, drew that suspicion and called the police. The officers arrested the Austrian at the agreed rendezvous point with fierce resistance. She had several thousand francs with her. Investigators suspect that other people have been victims of fraud.

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