Free Ministry logos cost 70,000 euros – News


The turquoise government gave all departments a uniform logo and a uniform corporate identity. The aesthetic model was apparently the previous logo of the Foreign Ministry of the time of the current Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP).

As Kurz in an answer to a parliamentary question of the deputy of Neos Nikolaus Scherak said 62,000 euros for Use Rights and up to 8,000 euros for the adaptation of the logos to the external designer Thomas Feichtner has expired.

Financial Prosecutor had reservations

This confirmed a report from the May "Addendum" research platform. As a result, the Finanzprokuratur – the legal representation of the federation – had concerns, without an agreement with the designer with the new logos go to the public. At the request of political adviser Rudi Fußi, however, the government spokesman, Launsky, responded in mid-May that the logos had been "developed with the internal resources of the Federal Chancellery". At the time, it had been interpreted as having resulted in no additional cost.

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