Friborg defends itself against the demonstrations of AFD after a pretended gang rape


The rulers of the AfD demonstration shower the raindrops of their shaved heads. The right wing, Stefan Räpple, stands near the Martinstor, a landmark in Freiburg, and gives interviews in the spotlight of the cameras. The AfD MP from Baden-Württemberg and his colleagues came "to signal that things can not go on like this," he said. For that, they want to walk today.

At nine degrees and drizzle come the self-proclaimed patriots, but not far. In front of them is a colored wall. According to the police, at least 1,500 people have organized to hold two demonstrations against the AfD, which were distributed from Martinstor over Bertoldsbrunnen to the former synagogue place. Students wave rainbow flags and hold placards in the air. A man holds the umbrella in a protective way on his wife, she buried her face in his scarf, he hisses. At the edge are the parents with their children. They all came tonight to wave. Because Freiburg is once again shaken by a terrible crime. And the AfD want to use that for their own purposes.

A warrant for arrest had already been filed against suspects

After a nightclub visit, a young woman was reportedly raped by several men. The 18-year-old would have celebrated the evening of October 14 in a club and received a drink of a drink from a stranger. Around midnight she went with him. Shortly after, according to his description, in a shrub, the alleged abuser was badually badaulted. The student could not defend herself, she said. She was defenseless by an unknown substance in her drink. Subsequently, more men would have pbaded the woman.

The woman complained. Six days after the incident, police arrested a 19-year-old Syrian in a refugee camp. According to the police, she allegedly took a DNA match. According to the Ministry of the Interior, an arrest warrant had already been issued against him. The investigations ultimately resulted in seven more suspects, six Syrians and one German. Most of them lived in refugee camps in and around Friborg, he said. Now they are in detention. The police do not rule out more people being involved. A 13-member "investigative club" is working with the Stuttgart Criminal Police on this case.

This is not the first time that Freiburg has been making headlines with a violent crime. Two years ago, student Maria L. was murdered. In October 2016, a young Afghan woman had raped the 19-year-old woman on the banks of the Dreisam, then placed the unconscious in the river. She drowned. In March, Hussein K. was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder.

"My trauma is not your propaganda"

For the Friborg was the act a shock. Even Jana and her friend Valerie are now more careful when they travel alone in the city at night. Students call their roommates upon their return home or retire when they spend the night with friends. They want to report against the AfD tonight with red heart balloons. "It happened terrible things," says Jana. "Nevertheless, these crimes should not be transferred to all refugees."

This Monday evening, many protesters said that they were going out on the streets to protest the incident. Others show it with their posters: "My trauma, this is not your propaganda", stands in bright colors on a sign.

Protesters in Friborg


Protesters in Friborg

On the other side of the blockade of the police, AfD protesters are chanting their usual slogans. Some carry soaked German flags. Räpple and the police officially speak of 300 to 500 participants, but a uniform in uniform does not count more than 80 to 100 right-wing sympathizers. Members of the AfD youth organization "Junge Alternative" parade past.

Again and again, they must be stopped or hijacked because they are blocked in the winding streets of the old city by the counter-demonstrators. So the mounted police clear the street. In Friborg, the situation with migrants is "particularly bad," said Reimond Hoffmann, vice chairman of the Baden-Württemberg board of directors and co-initiator of the event. Finally, there must be mbadive deportations. He calls the federal government in Berlin "criminal".

At the end of the zigzag course, the entourage of AfD-Treuen reaches the Town Hall Square. The police locked her behind her, protesters piled up. When they see the first flag of Germany on the square, they shout: "Get away, take off!" There is only one "dear patriot" to hear from the AfD-man Räpple, already they are hard coal. A man blows hard in his vuvuzela, others applaud in time.

Räpple is standing on a black van, a microphone in his hand, two boxes next to him, he must roar louder and louder. As the bells of the Catholic Church St. Martin sound and sound to protest against the right-wing protesters. The churches and the federal government should be ashamed, shouts Räpple, shouting the counter-protesters: "You have blood on your hands and you have also ravaged this girl."

Stefan Räpple in Friborg


Stefan Räpple in Friborg

At about the same time, a window opens just a few meters away. A man with glbades and black hair makes waves from the town hall, he applauds with enthusiasm. Freiburg's mayor, Martin Horn, who had previously called for peaceful coexistence during the demonstration on the site of the old synagogue, encourages counter-demonstrators.

Now, they become stronger. "All Friborg hates AfD!", They cried. Räpples' words are barely audible.

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