Friedrich Merz against the moderator of the ZDF "Heute Journal"


The fight for the succession of Angela Merkel is raging. In Lübeck, the three possible candidates, Kramp-Karrenbauer, Spahn and Merz, clashed with party members. All the news in the blog.

  • After Angela Merkel announced her withdrawal from the post of boss of the CDU, the struggle for power is raging. In addition to Friedrich Merz, Jens Spahn and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, more candidates are likely to stand for election at the CDU party conference in early December.
  • The favorites are Merz and Kramp-Karrenbauer, aka "AKK".
  • On Tuesday, Spahn attacked his competitors with scathing words. Friedrich Merz is speaking about the photo against konziliant.
  • In order for the party base to have the chance to know them all, the CDU holds up to ten regional conferences – the first one was held on Thursday in Lübeck.

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1:19 p.m.: The general secretary of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has warned her rival, Friedrich Merz, to the presidency of the party, not to consider the highest positions as a way to enter the Chancellery. "It would be fatal to think that the leadership of the party is considered a necessary evil in which one must enter to enter the most important state office.This also has something to do with the respect of our members of the party. the CDU ", said the general secretary of the CDU to the magazine" Der Spiegel "to the question of whether it was a good idea that Merz join the leadership of the party after ten years in the private sector. apply.

11:52: It was his first appearance as a presidential candidate for the CDU: Friedrich Merz presented Thursday evening after the regional conference in Lubeck, the issues of the "Today Journal" moderator on ZDF. And he gave himself eloquent and countered the moderator at the right place. Kléber wanted to know how quickly he wanted to become chancellor as president of the CDU, because he would be the first president of the CDU, who would have neither the right to speak in the Bundestag, nor a place in the Cabinet. "How long can it be good, and how long will it take for the Chancellery to be really influential?" Asked Kléber.

Merz on this subject: "With your will, I am reluctant to correct you, Mr. Kleber." Even Kramp-Karrenbauer does not sit in the Cabinet, not in the Bundestag. "We share this destiny." For him, it is now mainly the party leadership at the CDU. "The reference value is the European elections". In this case, the CDU should recover a majority. "40% are possible." The party chairman is linked to the Berlin government and the coalition agreement.

He is ready with Merkel until 2021 to make sure you win the elections again. He did not tell him if he remained faithful to him, as Kléber wanted. His future in a defeat at the convention left Merz open. Kleber wanted to know if Merz would return to the lucrative economy or imagine baduming responsibilities within the party.

See also: Maybrit Illner: Violent Nazi Zoff between Gauland and Goering-Eckardt

Merkel surprise survey: AKK leads Merz and Spahn

10.04 hours:

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is, according to estimates of several researchers of the party, the favorite of the succession of Angela Merkel to the post of head of the CDU after the first regional conference held Thursday evening in Lübeck. "AKK offers content and, from a strategic point of view, the best choice," said Albrecht von Lucke on the "sheets for German and international politics" of the "new Osnabrücker newspaper" on Friday.

As justification, von Lucke stated that Kramp-Karrenbauer "covers the entire breadth of the CDU, whether it be Christian, conservative or liberal, and therefore it most clearly embodies" the middle "". Therefore, he badumes "they will prevail in the end". Also involved were the mutual attacks of more conservative competitors, former trade union leader Friedrich Merz and Health Minister Jens Spahn, secretary-general at the hands.

9:21: In the run-up to Chancellor Angela Merkel's succession to the CDU, high-level secretary-general Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has been the favorite at the grbadroots. In a survey of the German trend of ARD among supporters of the CDU, 46% speak of "AKK", 31% of supporters of the CDU are for the Sauerland Friedrich Merz and only 12% for the minister of the Health, Jens Spahn. However, the electorate of the European Union has still not benefited from the race for the open successor that drives the parties: it is still 26%, followed by the Greens (23% / + 6 ), SPD (14/1) and AfD (14/1). -2).

Brinhaus praises the races for Merkel's estate

8:04: After the first regional conference of the CDU, the head of the trade union faction, Ralph Brinkhaus, welcomed the race to Angela Merkel's estate at the head of the CDU. The competition is doing well for the CDU and the interest in the party is great, he told the "Pbadauer Neue Presse" (Friday). "If the next few weeks are fair and respectful, the Union will benefit." The CDU does not need a revolution in its eyes, but only reforms in party work.

8:00: The change at the top of the CDU will not completely pacify Christian Democrats, says SPD leader Andrea Nahles. "What happens if one of the candidates is elected? Are the directions conflicting? According to the experience of the SPD, I say: no," did he / she say? she says to the "Heilbronner Stimme" (Friday). She was not sure that the path taken by the CDU would lead to success. "It has nothing to do with departure," she said. Since 2016, she notes that the CDU is "completely divided into camps".

News about the regional conference in Lübeck: Merz criticizes Seehofer and Spahn gives him a tip

9:50 p.m.: After their introductory speeches, the three candidates addressed the questions of party members: the cohesion of society, affordable housing, the effects of digitization, autonomous driving, or the equipment of the Bundeswehr. The alarm clock is the hour, so that all candidates have about the same time. However, the base candidates are not really supported.

But Spahn can not resist a little. When Merz criticized the fact that Seehofer criticized Merkel at a refugee conference in 2015 at a CSU party convention, Spahn told the opponent: "We are all glad you're back ", but in 2015 he would have wished" We had you there. " But judging by the applause, the winner of the evening might well be Merz.

CDU regional conference in Lübeck: Merz, AKK and Spahn.

© dpa / Carsten Rehder

Possible successor for Angela Merkel? Spahn hopes to have the courage of the regional conference

7:16 p.m.: CDU presidential candidate Jens Spahn wants his party to have more courage for open debates. The CDU must be a modern active party, said the Health Minister on Thursday night in Lübeck at the first regional conference, during which candidates introduce themselves to members. From the debate, however, a solution, a decision must then be derived. The party must be modern Conservative, he said. It's about the middle clbad.

Security is important for citizens. It is about regaining trust. The CDU also allowed AFD to sit in 16 national parliaments today. "But we can make them disappear again," said Spahn. It has always been clear that the CDU is opposed to right-wing and left-wing extremists.

He has been in politics for 20 years to defend the "relaxed serenity" towards minorities in Germany – against the pressure of the left and the right, as well as against other "reactionary cultures" with their supremacy over the 39; man. There should be no "further" in the CDU, neither nostalgia nor return to the past, but a real courage to start again. "That's the goal," Spahn said.

According to the CDU, about 800 participants from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern attended the event.

Friedrich Merz wants to bring the Union back to more than 40%

7:10 p.m.: The former head of the faction of the Union, Friedrich Merz, estimates that a rebound of the CDU of the order of 40% is possible. But it would be necessary to "better participate bottom up" in the party, said the presidential candidate of the CDU. "The CDU is a popular party in the center, we do not move it to the left or to the right." Internal and external security are trademarks of the CDU. The party must defend an operational and enforceable constitutional state.

Merz is also committed to a social and environmental economic policy. And he stressed that the CDU must remain Europartei in Germany and contribute to pulling the European Union out of the crisis. Merz wants to stem the success of the AfD: "I dare to halve the AFD – it works," said Merz with much applause. "Only we must create the conditions." He was determined to start with party members.

AKK hopes the resurgence of the CDU

6:41 p.m.: The self-renewal of the CDU, according to CDU presidential candidate, Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is not an end in itself. It is the resurgence of the party. "We have to find new strengths," Kramp-Karrenbauer told Lübeck. 26% is not a measure for a popular party. "We have to convince more people of us again." The political opponent is always in the other parties, never in their own ranks.

She has already shown that she can lead tough campaigns and win, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. She cited homeland security as an important topic. It is to dispel the doubts of the population that the CDU is still the party of homeland security, that it could always enforce the law. The 2015 refugee crisis should not be repeated. At that time, about 900 000 migrants had arrived in Germany, largely uncontrolled.

Applause for the candidates in Merz, Spahn and AKK

6:27 p.m.: The first of eight CDU Regional Conferences, held at national level and attended by party presidential candidates, started in Lübeck. To the applause of more than 700 party members, Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, former Union Faction Leader Friedrich Merz and Health Minister Jens Spahn settled at Gollan Kulturwerft, an event center.

In a welcoming statement, Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther said the CDU was optimistic. He hopes for fair competition. "Whoever wins in the end, we all need you in the end." The other parties envied the CDU for these candidates.

Merkel successor: these candidates are in the race

14h45: Everything revolves around the power struggle between the CDU and candidates for party presidential candidates, Jens Spahn, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Friedrich Merz. At least twelve people wish to apply to the estate of Angela Merkel.

Read also: Chancellor's visit to Chemnitz: anti-Merkel protests threatened

For the party's base to have a chance to know them all, the CDU is organizing up to ten regional conferences – the first will take place this Thursday in Lübeck. However, the most prominent and promising candidates, Merz, Kramp-Karrenbauer and Spahn, will be presented again. Members of the CDU of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are invited.

But who are the other candidates for Merkel's succession? Here is an overview of some of the candidates

  • Matthias Herdegen (61 years old): Internationally renowned Staatsrechtler is Director of the Institute of Public Law and Director of the Institute of International Law. In an interview with the world He said that he had already decided early in the summer to run for president of the CDU. Herdegen: "I want to send a message that the core values ​​of the CDU are still alive." He considers that one of the main tasks of a new leadership of the Union is to "completely eradicate the AfD in the long run".
  • Andreas Ritzenhoff (61): The Marburg entrepreneur is a member of the CDU only since the beginning of 2018 and is calling for a primary election for Merkel's successor. He wanted to renew the feast of the interior.

Andreas Ritzenhoff

© photo alliance / dpa / Arne Immanuel Bänsch

  • Jan-Philipp Knoop (26): Law student in Berlin wants to talk hard about asylum "Finally, take control of the situation". Aged 26, he is also responsible for social networking at the CDU District Association, Kleistpark, Berlin.
  • Detlef Felix Hartmann (70): The Hamburg candidate in 2011 out loud failed at the national presidency of the CDU Hamburg. Now he wants to reach the top of the pack.

The next CDU presidential candidates are Friedhelm Kölsch, Joerg Paulusch, Sabine Herrenbruch, Christian Fleisinger and Norbert Stegner.

1:05 p.m.: Friedrich Merz is now in his battle for the estate of Angela Merkel apparently on social media: he now has a Twitter account. On Thursday afternoon, he posted his first tweet: The photo of a coaster on which the former union leader wrote: "CDU, Start and Renewal now also on Twitter". Aged 63, he commented: "In the future, always at the goal."

Also in the future always to the point. #merz #Aufbruch #Erneuerung # cpdupt18

– Friedrich Merz (@_FriedrichMerz) November 15, 2018

Friedrich Merz refers to his 2003 proposal for a new tax concept: it should be so simple that every citizen can calculate his own income tax on a carpet of beer, he said.

The size of the CDU is in a desperate situation if Merz becomes president of the CDU

12:42: Christian Bäumler, vice president of the CDU's working wing, expresses serious reservations about the former president of the trade union faction, Friedrich Merz, as the successor of Angela Merkel to the presidency of the CDU. "We find that Friedrich Merz has always made violent remarks against the unions, spoke out against the company's involvement," Bäumler told ARD's "Monitor" magazine, according to a statement. Thursday notice.

"If the political program of Friedrich Merz suggests that the protection against abolition is abolished, that the participation of workers is abolished, that the minimum wage is abolished, we fear that it will lead to a fracture in Germany ", said the Federal Vice-President at the Federal Council. Christian Democrats.

"We fear that social cohesion will collapse and social peace be damaged – and with such a program you can not win elections," Bäumler added. If Merz "were to materialize these ideas, then the CDU would no longer be a popular party, so it would be a bloated FDP – and we will definitely act."

Scramble for the presidency of the CDU: Kramp Karrenbauer responds to Spahn's allegations

10:31: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer defended her rejection of same-bad marriage after the sharp criticism of her competitor as CDU President Jens Spahn. She had always confessed "that there was a partnership, that discrimination was reduced, but I speak of" marriage for all "simply a very traditional concept of marriage," said Kramp-Karrenbauer Thursday in the Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) show.

This wedding concept was "maybe no longer a majority, but it's my personal belief and I stand by it". Kramp-Karrenbauer stressed that she did not want to hurt anyone personally. "But it's just a discussion that touches a lot of people personally."

Kramp-Karrenbauer, as Saarland's Prime Minister, said in 2015 that there is a clear definition of marriage as a community of men and women: "If we open this definition to a partnership of long-term responsibility between two adult persons, other claims can not be excluded – such as marriage with close relatives or more than two persons ".

10:28: The political future of the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, is still open. A long-time CSU companion warned against the risk of wasting his "work of a lifetime". We keep you informed of all current developments in our newsletter.

9:08: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has confidence in the CDU's internal election campaign for the party's presidency. "My instinct is good, I am well motivated, relaxed and in a good mood," he said Thursday in ARD's "morning magazine" before the first regional conference, during which the main candidates for the estate of Angela Merkel will present themselves at the top of the CDU. This will take place in the evening in Lübeck.

Merz, Spahn or AKK? Günther for the middle course

8.46 hour: According to the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther, the future leader of the party CDU must continue the course of the center. "A party, the Popular Party wants to stay, must be wide," said Thursday the CDU politician in the Berlin-Brandenburg show (RBB). The party can not focus solely on the conservative wing, the wing of business. "She must appeal to all wings."

"I think the elected candidate at the end has to focus on that and put that party in the center," Günther said. On Thursday evening, in Lübeck, the three candidates for the presidency of the party participated in the first of the eight regional conferences of the CDU.

8:19:On Thursday evening, the top three candidates, Merz, Spahn and AKK in Lubeck, presented themselves to the members at the first of eight regional conferences. The former union leader, Merz, expects fair competition. "I'm sure we will have a very fair, even decent competition," said the 63-year-old, Spiegel said. "The party has alternatives in terms of content, form, style and people." The CDU "would benefit enormously from this process well beyond election day".

Candidates for the national presidency of the CDU: Merz, Spahn and AKK.

© dpa / Michael Kappeler

In Lübeck, Secretary General Kramp-Karrenbauer, Health Minister Spahn and many less well-known candidates present their ideas on the future of the party of about 900 Christian Democrats from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The order of their performance is established.

Merkel's successor: news from Merz, Spahn and AKK

3:14 p.m.: The fight for the succession of Angela Merkel in the CDU was also the subject of a curious speech in the European Parliament: the satirist Martin Sonneborn mocked Strasbourg candidates.

11:29: CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer called for a "major tax reform". She said Wednesday at the "Economic Summit" of the South German newspaper"We will need a tax reform in the near future." This is necessary above all with regard to digitization, for example to avoid corporate tax evasion, but also to create new incentives. "If we want to remain competitive, we have to tackle that," Kramp-Karrenbauer said.

Friedrich Merz at AfD: "No"

10:59: Small surprise: Merz calls for the decision to introduce a right to the minimum wage. The country could afford it – and it was important to show many people that their work was worth something. Other decisions of Angela Merkel have defended Merz, at least indirectly. Among other things, the release of nuclear energy. It was just a little too hard.

10:55: Merz, meanwhile, raises the question of whether a coalition of the CDU with the AfD would be conceivable for him. "Very clear and very clear answer: no."

Merz admits he is a millionaire and feels part of the "upper middle clbad"

10:53: On another question, Merz is rebelling a bit – whether he's a millionaire or not. "I live in orderly personal and economic conditions that allow me political independence," says Merz. At the multiple request of a possible status of millionaire, the candidate admits the presidency of the CDU: "At least, I am not under". "A clear yes, then," says moderator Anna from Bavaria. Nevertheless, he feels able to represent the interests of citizens, says Merz.

10:41: "We have a large and wealthy middle clbad and a small and very rich upper clbad," Merz says at the request of a readership for more balance between rich and poor – unlike the US, the # The gap is not widening more and more. He counts himself among the upper middle clbad, says the long-time lawyer, consultant in politics and business.

He almost regretted that the SPD and its "biggest successes" made a dent, explains Merz in the perspective of Hartz IV. picture a few days ago, had used an article on the Hartz plans of the SPD.

The introduction of "marriage for all," explained Merz as being correct. Only the introductory mode had bothered him, he explained. "I would have liked a thorough discussion with a modification of the Basic Law, as was deemed necessary by the Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas.

Friedrich Merz.

© dpa / Wolfgang Kumm

Merkel's successor, Friedrich Merz, on the migration pact, internal security and expulsions

10:38: Merz also commented on the UN Migration Pact. "We can see that what is in the 27 points has been applied for a long time in Germany". The pact is not legally binding – a circumstance that should be clarified again. If, however, Germany could claim other countries as a result of the drafting of the document, the pact could then be "approved". But he understands the fears about the deal, says Merz. The paper could have been better communicated in domestic politics.

Dissatisfied showed the politician of the CDU the expulsion practices of the federal states. "Perhaps we should think that the federal government is being given more responsibility," he said in the program "Bild" "The right questions". He urged immigrants to comply with German laws. "We have a community of Christian and Western values ​​here and anyone who wants to stay in Germany has to adhere to these rules," said Merz.

The politician of the CDU has clearly placed his priority on internal security. "The most important task of a state is to ensure that internal security works.The rule of law only works if the monopoly of power belongs to the state and no one else," Merz said. . He described the UN Pact on Migration as "likely to be approved".

Will he, like Angela Merkel, open the border in 2015? That said Friedrich Merz

10:35: Would he have opened German borders like Angela Merkel in 2015? "I'll answer that question as Mr. Habeck did to you," Merz says. The first part of the plot, the short-term opening of the borders, was correct, "the second part was essential – if a state had to admit that it had lost control of the number of people who arrived, it was of course very critical . "

He already had a bad feeling when the Italians were left alone with the influx of refugees on the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, Merz continued. At that time, it was a de facto problem for Germany.

"We need a law on immigration in Germany," Merz said. This law must be based on the interests of Germany as a "country of immigration". "Let's not talk about terminology," adds Merz – Germany has long been a country of immigration.

10:31: Friedrich Merz is now speaking on about his candidacy for the presidency of the CDU. The repatriated politician begins with a conciliatory tone: it is not limited to Angela Merkel or its competitors, but wants to present his own ideas, he says.

Spahn again spoke in the Sauerland Tuesday: these are the subjects

10.04 hours: In the Hochsauerlandkreis, candidates for the federal presidency of the CDU give proverbial hold in the hand. After Friedrich Merz went to Arnsberg-Oeventrop on Saturday, hosted the CDU Ortsverband Hüsten in Schützenhalle on Tuesday evening during the visit of the Federal Minister of Health. In his speech, he touched on key topics for the future of Germany. The results of the CDU should not be satisfactory. "38 or 40% must be the mark." This would make populists left and right "useless," he said.

Also in terms of education, Spahn has made clear his call for dual training: "Soon, master painters will earn more than lawyers, because these professionals will be in great demand," said Spahn. Therefore, it is also part of the tripartite school system.

His goal was to make Germany the "champion of the digital world," said Merz and promised to strengthen German border controls. You will learn more about this with colleagues from the Sauerlandkurier *.

8:58: Friedrich Merz will answer questions from readers of from 10.30 am (we report in the live ticker). The newspaper already announces spicy questions. For example: "Are you really a millionaire, Mr. Merz?" "Would you have kept the borders open in 2015, just like Angela Merkel?" "And would Germany still have military service with you?" We can be curious.

Merkel's estate rages: Spahn attacks Merz and settles with Kramp-Karrenbauer

8:00: Jens Spahn intervenes in the fight for the succession of the leader of the CDU, Angela Merkel, with very clear words. "We need a real reboot," said the 38-year-old health minister in an interview with newspapers from Germany's editorial network (Wednesday editions). "With a generational change and a new style of more open debate."

In addition to Spahn, CDU Secretary-General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and former Union faction leader Friedrich Merz want to be elected at the CDU party conference in December to replace the leader. of the party, Angela Merkel. On Thursday, the first of eight regional conferences will take place in Lübeck, during which the three candidates will present themselves to the members. "Given the current situation, we can not put in place a" Next-So "strategy and continuity," said Spahn for himself.

Also read: "Merz? Knaller!": Merkel's successor can trigger euphoria – but it could hurt the situation

Merkel, successor of the CDU: Spahn in Merz

Merz has been active in business in recent years and his candidacy for the CDU presidency has been a surprise to many. Spahn also alluded to this by answering the question of what sets him apart from the 63-year-old.

"We have treated the party differently: in the last two years alone, I have taken over 250 on-site appointments and discussed them with many members and constituents," said Spahn, who, like Merz , is from North Rhine-Westphalia. "I campaigned with the party in good times and bad."

He has actively participated in recent years. "Many members of the CDU have, I think, a clear idea of ​​what I represent," said Spahn. For him, the change of generation is not a word: "I offer a perspective that exceeds four years".

"Incest or polygamy"? Spahn sits with Kramp-Karrenbauer – fight for Merkel's succession

Commenting on Merz's political stances, Spahn said: "I do not need to adjust my positions, bend or relativize anything." Spahn was singled out for statements by Merz, who initially expressed sympathy for a European unemployment insurance, but this one was put into perspective.

"Every approach to a transfer union does not work," Spahn said. "We do not need a European finance minister, no European unemployment insurance and certainly no communitisation of debts."

Merz, AKK, Spahn: Who will do the race track at the CDU?


Kramp-Karrenbauer accused Spahn of a retrograde social policy. "J&#39;ai voté pour l&#39;ouverture du mariage avec une conviction absolue", a déclaré Spahn, ouvertement homobaduel et marié à sa partenaire. Si son mariage s&#39;appelle "dans le même souffle que l&#39;inceste ou la polygamie, il me frappe personnellement".

Spahn: "Après la retraite de Merkel, il était clair que je participerais"

Kramp-Karrenbauer, en tant que Premier ministre de la Sarre, a déclaré en 2015 qu&#39;il existe une définition claire du mariage en tant que communauté d&#39;hommes et de femmes: "Si nous ouvrons cette définition à un partenariat de responsabilité à long terme entre deux personnes adultes, d&#39;autres demandes ne peuvent pas être exclues, telles que le mariage chez des parents proches ou de plus de deux personnes ".

Spahn a contré les rumeurs voulant que sa candidature soit retirée avant le congrès du parti: "Au moment où Angela Merkel a annoncé son retrait, c&#39;était clair pour moi: je me lève." Im Falle einer Niederlage werde er in der CDU-Führung weiterarbeiten.

Kampf um Merkel-Nachfolge: Kramp-Karrenbauer schließt Bündnisse mit AfD aus

CDU-Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer hat für den Fall ihrer Wahl zur Parteivorsitzenden Bündnisse mit der rechtspopulistischen AfD ausgeschlossen. "Die AfD steht für etwas, das mit der CDU unvereinbar ist", sagte Kramp-Karrenbauer dem Nachrichtenportal "t-online" in einem am Montag veröffentlichten Interview.

"Sie hat keinerlei Distanz zum radikalen rechten Rand. Sie relativiert die deutsche Geschichte. Sie bietet fremdenfeindlichen und antisemitischen Positionen eine Heimat. Deshalb werde ich mich mit aller Kraft gegen jede Zusammenarbeit stemmen."

Es nütze der CDU nichts, den Ton zu verschärfen, wenn sie Wähler von der AfD zurückzugewinnen wolle, sagte Kramp-Karrenbauer weiter. "Es hilft nicht, Vokabeln der AfD zu übernehmen." Politik müsse stattdessen über einen längeren Zeitraum beweisen, dbad Ängste der Menschen unbegründet seien.

Kampf um Merkel-Nachfolge: CDU-Kandidat Merz lobt Grüne als "partnerfähig"

Mit lobenden Worten über die Grünen hat der CDU-Politiker Friedrich Merz im Rennen um den Parteivorsitz auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Die Grünen von heute seien "sehr bürgerlich, sehr offen, sehr liberal und sicherlich auch partnerfähig", sagte Merz der "Bild am Sonntag". Der Vorsitzende der Unionsfraktion im Bundestag, Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU), mahnte ungeachtet des Wettbewerbs um den Parteivorsitz zu Tempo im Regierungshandeln.

Neben Merz bewerben sich als aussichtsreiche Kandidaten noch CDU-Generalsekretärin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer und Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn um die Nachfolge von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel an der Parteispitze.

Unionsfraktionschef Brinkhaus mahnte, die Regierungsarbeit nicht zu verlangsamen. Es komme jetzt der "Herbst der Beschlüsse", schrieb Brinkhaus in einem Gastbeitrag für die "Welt am Sonntag". Mit den beschlossenen Verbesserungen in der Rente, der Pflege und für Familien habe die Regierung einen Anfang gemacht. "So muss es weitergehen – auch in den Wochen bis zum CDU-Parteitag", forderte er. Es werde sich viel um die Kandidaten für den Vorsitz drehen. Das dürfe aber nicht dazu führen, "dbad wir im Tempo der Gesetzgebung nachlbaden".

Auch interessant: Merkel-Rückzug Chance für demokratische Erneuerung der CDU?

Der Verzicht von Angela Merkel auf eine erneute Kandidatur für den Parteivorsitz birgt nach den Worten der Berliner CDU-Chefin Monika Grütters viele Chancen für die Union. Klar sei, dbad nach 18 Jahren eine Ära zu Ende gehe, sagte die Kulturstaatsministerin in der Bundesregierung am Samstag bei einer CDU-Landesvertreterversammlung in Berlin. „Das ist eine Zäsur. Aber es ist auch eine Chance für einen Aufbruch und für eine demokratische Erneuerung unserer Partei.“

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