Fundraiser sparked panic at local Welser


Fundraiser sparked panic at local Welser

WELS. A 21-year-old man sowed panic around 6:15 pm Thursday night in a Wels bar, armed with a knife and a branch during his performance.

(Photo Symbol) An image: VOLKER WEIHBOLD

Police patrols alerted by local visitors arrested a 21-year-old Turk on Salzburger Straße. During his interrogation, it turned out that he had talked in the pub with an 18 year old man from Kirchdorf District to recover borrowed money. It was about threats and a physical confrontation. That's why he was complimented by the server.

After about half an hour, the collector is returned to the bar. This time he had a knife 34 centimeters long and a branch about a meter long. Among the fifty or so guests present, panic broke out. The server was again put in his way and was also threatened, but he was still able to evict the attacker.

The captured Turk was taken to Wels Prison. A temporary ban on weapons has been issued.

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