Gaza Strip: Three Palestinians killed in demonstrations


Again, thousands of Palestinians protested in the border strip against Israel. Three protesters were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces.

Following violent demonstrations on the border with Israel, the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip rose to three. The Gaza Health Ministry said a 17-year-old boy died of his injuries after being shot by Israeli forces near the border town of Rafah.

Palestinian claims of Friday indicate a 12-year-old boy and a 43-year-old man Plans of the Israeli army are dead. The young man was shot in clashes east of Rafah and the man near the border fence in the east of Chan Junis was shot in the head.

According to the Israeli army, some 7,000 Palestinians were at different points on the border. involved in the demonstrations. They threw stones at the soldiers and rolled burning tires in their direction. Some would have damaged the fence of the border. According to Palestinian sources, fire dragons and balloons were also used to provoke fires in Israel

Clashes on the Temple Mount

Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police also took place on the Mount from the Temple to Jerusalem. Several Palestinians have been arrested.

According to Israeli sources, after Friday prayers, Palestinians attacked security forces with stones and firecrackers for no good reason. The police then cleared the temple hill. On the Palestinian side, Israeli police forces attacked Muslim believers for no apparent reason.

Since the end of March, 155 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers and 17,000 wounded in demonstrations and confrontations, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. An Israeli soldier was shot. Among other things, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has warned against violence against a "new destructive conflict".

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