Georg: the lawyer does not give up, submits a new application – Styria


Georg, 12, suffers from a rare disease, the only therapy with the drug Spinraza, that would help cost a fortune. The KAGes rejects the payment of therapy, the lawyer Karin Prutsch is fighting against it, even filed a preliminary injunction, but did it blink in court ( "Today" reported)


Soll Georg received the expensive drug?

The new discovery of Prim. Teacher. Dr. However, Günther Bernert still gives a reason to hope: the specialist says that Georg has a clear indication for treatment with Spinraza. On Thursday, Prutsch will file the next interim injunction.

A civil lawsuit against KAG with my application for the execution of the treatment is still ongoing. But the Styrian boy who suffers from "SMA II" is slowly lacking time and needs to be ventilated at night.

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