German arms contracts with Turkey and Saudi Arabia have almost ceased "


The German government has almost completely stopped arms exports to Saudi Arabia and Turkey during the first few months of its mandate. In response to a request from the Ministry of Economy at the request of the Left, export licenses were granted only in special cases between March 14 – the day the new cabinet took the oath – and June 30.

Turkey has five permits totaling 418,279 euros. In comparison, during the much shorter period between January 1 and March 13, 2018, 34 export licenses for Turkey valued at $ 9.7 million had been issued. Last year it had been in the range of 34.2 million euros. In 2016, export permits even amounted to 83.9 million euros

Among the export applications for Saudi Arabia, the new government n & # 39; 39, approved only 28,563 euros. During the first ten weeks of the year, there were still four armaments contracts worth 161.8 million euros.

Both countries are important strategic partners of Germany – but also problematic. Turkey, like Germany, belongs to NATO. Since the entry of Turkish troops in the northern Syrian region of Afrin to fight Kurdish YPG militias in January, the already mbadive criticism of arms exports to the country led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has risen sharply again. On the offensive, German tanks "Leopard" were used

Difficult relations

Meanwhile, German-Turkish relations are back on the road to relaxation after a deep crisis since the attempt to coup d'etat in Turkey in July 2016, the state of emergency in Turkey was lifted last week. The German government has reversed the tightening of travel tips for the popular holiday destination and completely removed a significant economic leverage, excess guarantees for German exports. Apparently, the reconciliation rate has not yet affected arms exports.

Saudi Arabia's export restrictions are even more delicate. Last fall, the Middle East's most powerful military and economically strong regional power withdrew its ambbadador from Berlin, because Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel accused him of "adventurism" . However, the Royal House of Riyadh is also angry at the government 's critical attitude towards Saudi Arabia' s intervention in Yemen. Riyadh is leading an alliance of eight countries fighting against Shiite Houthi rebels in the poorest Gulf state of Yemen.

The Union and the SPD agreed in their coalition negotiations to ban arms export for all countries directly involved in the war. These countries have not been named. At the beginning of his term, however, the new government of Chancellor Angela Merkel – with the exception of two exceptions – did not provide the Saudi military alliance.

(APA / dpa)

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