German courses ensure the exchange of blows –


Because the Federal Government finances only German courses for Syrians in primary care, Upper Austria organizes language courses for asylum seekers. The fact that Lower Austria takes a different approach allows an exchange of blows

Integration Councilor Gottfried Waldhäusl (FPÖ) does not believe in the actions of his counterpart in Upper Austria, Rudi Anschober (Greens). He describes the Austrian way as definitely wrong. After the end of the federal government's co-financing for most language courses, the Anschobers department pays out of its own pocket for future language courses for asylum seekers, – in Upper Austria new language course (, 5.7.2018). According to Anschober, all countries, with the exception of Lower Austria, do the same …

Waldhäusl: "The integration from the first day is wrong"

For Waldhäusl, he It is absurd to follow a German course to be expelled. "The integration from the first day is wrong, the exception in this area, of course, schoolchildren." For Lower Austria, "integration with common sense" applies and we accept money for German courses only in case of a positive decision, "says Waldhäusl at the address

Since As of November 2016, 5,200 asylum seekers are taking German courses.According to Waldhäusl, more than 4.2 million euros have been spent to date.The federal government has partly funded these courses. School attendance in each quarter rises to more than 80% Waldhäusl points out that not only for the four nations with the highest probability of recognition – Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan –


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