Germany: Trump threatens to withdraw his troops


Germany: Trump threatens to withdraw troops

Before NATO summit, US president increases pressure on Europeans to spend more money on arms [19659003] Germany: Trump threatens to withdraw his troops ” clbad=”thumbnails” />

American soldiers exercising in the military training zone of Hohenfels Bild: APA / EPA

The idea was born at a meeting of Donald Trump with his security advisers at the White House. The US President listened when they told him how many US soldiers are still stationed in Germany. The number surprised Trump, they say. And it led him to consider being reviewed by the Pentagon for the consequences of a withdrawal of quotas.

Hardly anyone believes that the information on the internal study was forwarded to the Washington Post a few days before the NATO summit. by accident. On the contrary, badysts see it as an attempt to increase pressure on Berlin.

This is also indicated by the criticism that Trump once again made about German defense spending on Friday: "Germany has to spend more money," he still demanded. Its security advisor, John Bolton, also briefed German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen on her recent visit to Washington. According to Mr. Bolton, 1.5% of gross domestic product is not enough

Trump is obsessed with the idea that the United States paid 3.50% of GDP for the safety of their partners in the country. 39; NATO. While the imbalance in the alliance was lamented by Barack Obama and George W. Bush, Trump's predecessors recognized a strategic advantage of this American dominance. The president of "America First", however, sees it differently. During the election campaign, he described the transatlantic alliance as "obsolete".

In this context, the study of a possible withdrawal of troops must be integrated. With the indirect threat of the withdrawal of 35,000 US troops from Germany, Trump is trying to increase the pressure. As painful as the removal of GIs from the eleven German sites, particularly in structurally weaker regions, would be unlikely experts.

US government officials emphasize the strategic importance of the Landstuhl Medical Site (largest US Army hospital outside the United States), Ramstein Air Force Base and Africom's headquarters at Stuttgart, Specialized in Crisis Management in African Countries

"Large sums of money"

"We have spent more than sixty years of money facilities," he says. Even if Poland is now trying to attract as a model of Europe in the military by spending a US military base, this does not change the importance of German sites.

Undoubtedly, according to observers, the danger of a questioning of NATO. Especially as Trump demonstrated at the G7 summit that he was not interested in maintaining the multilateral world order created by the United States after 1945.

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