Ginger provides fresh breath


Ginger is not only a tasty spice, but it also has many healing properties. As reported by the German researchers, it also contains a substance that stimulates saliva and thus degrades foul-smelling substances

6-Gingerol is responsible for the bad neutralizing action of fresh ginger, under the direction of Thomas Hofmann of the United States. Technical University Munich (TUM) reports. The 6-gingerol, which is also responsible for the tart taste of the pie, releases a salivary enzyme that breaks down the sulfur compounds.

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, gingerol has transformed the mirror within seconds of the enzyme in the saliva of four subjects increased by 16 times. As a result, smelly substances have been broken down and the after-taste of foods such as coffee has been reduced. "Our breath also smells better," says Hofmann

Experts still need much research on the complex interplay between taste molecules in foods and the biochemical mechanisms of saliva. The results on 6-gingerol could therefore contribute to the development of a new generation of oral care products.

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