Gmünd: burglaries in the district |


<img src = "" clbad = "ls-bg" alt = "Previous Image : 1965-19003] 20 Jul


by Salzburg Editorial Department
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Unknown criminals have for the moment been perpetrated December 2017 continuous burglary in basement compartments of multi-party buildings in the city of Gmünd.
At 6:20 am on June 6, 2018, employees of the Gmünd Police Inspectorate reportedly arrested a 31-year-old Czech citizen during An attempted burglary in a basement in the Gmünd region and would have temporarily stopped it.

Thanks to the in-depth investigations of the Gmünd police investigation group, the accused could be involved in 23 burglaries in cellars, 9 burglaries in garden houses in a garden, 1 burglary in an establishment s portive and in a commercial premises in Gmünd with a total damage of more than 35,000 euros

The accused may have stolen mainly from burglary stolen bicycles and sporting goods and tools and brought immediately after acts resale in the Czech Republic. With the proceeds of the sale, the defendant probably financed part of his drug use. The 31-year-old man is widely confessed and was arrested by Krems prosecutor's order in Krems Prisons and fired. Investigations for other possible accomplices will be continued

Source: LPD Niederösterreich

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