Google Street View arrives in Klagenfurt! in Klagenfurt – 5 minutes


Just in time for the 500th anniversary, Klagenfurt is "preserved". Google will include the state capital of Carinthia in Street View maps!

It's gone in July!

Google Street View is an online service where you can experience 360 ​​degree views from the street view. From the street point of view, because a Google vehicle with camera above the roof leaves all roads. The result: You can also move virtually to the state capital in the future. The giant of the Internet has already had some ideas in the past, you can for example also visit the ruins of Pompeii

From 1945 to 0000, from July to September 2018 Google vehicles will roam the streets of Klagenfurt. "When and where we drive depends on many factors, such as time and population density of different areas, because we are obviously interested in taking the best pictures," Google explains. The company also adds that "the surrounding towns and villages" may also be included

This could take some time …

… until you can experience the 360-degree journey Degrees through Klagenfurt yourself to the screen. Last year – the beginning of a street view in Austria – the company announced that it would like records to be available on the internet within twelve months. And it took almost as long. Incidentally: "Faces and registration plates are automatically blurred in our images," says the company. It's to protect privacy.

Our Own Street View Attempt

To announce in July 2017, we grabbed a camera and stretched it on our car roof. The result you see here:

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