Göring-Eckhardt: Seehofer must resign immediately from his position as Minister of the Interior


Berlin (APA / Reuters) – German Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt has called on Interior Minister Horst Seehofer to resign immediately. Every day that Seehofer continues to be Minister of the Interior is a day too much, "she told" Tagesspiegel ", according to the preliminary report." Regarding the internal security of our country, it does not should no longer be hanging. "

Seehofer's policy of exclusion and division was "a security risk" for the company. "He should immediately resign from his position as Minister of the Interior and not remain in office for another month."

Previously, it was said in CSU circles that Seehofer wanted to resign as party leader and minister of the interior. For this, the 69-year-old was declared ready at a meeting of CSU leaders Sunday night in Munich. He does not want to hinder a new beginning. There should be a special party meeting early in 2019, probably in January. The meeting participants understood that this constituted an early resignation offer and the appointment of a new head of CSU. Seehofer had also announced that he would hand over the post of Federal Minister of the Interior before the end of the legislature. This will last until 2021.

Citing members of the meeting, the "Pbadauer Neue Presse" reported that Seehofer had made it clear that his withdrawal from the CSU presidency and the post of Interior Minister would be timely and that he would not think of to keep the government's mandate in Berlin even longer. Seehofer spoke of a "renewal in the coming weeks".

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