Great Demo in Munich against CSU-course and "right" "


Thousands of people in Munich protested against the ruling CSU course in Bavaria and against "a mbadive shift to the right in society". They responded Sunday to the call of more than 150 organizations to send a message under the motto "Furious – Together Against the Politics of Fear".

15:20, 22 July 2018

There have been several protests on topics such as refugee policy and the controversial law on police in Bavaria. Before the central rally on Königsplatz Sunday afternoon, a spokesperson of 15,000 participants spoke of "upward trend".

Behind the demonstrations: SPD, Greens and Left, trade unions, religious groups, theaters, migration councils and alliances against racism and war. CSU politicians such as party leader Horst Seehofer – together with the German Interior Minister, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and the country group leader – were called to protest. The CSU of the German Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt, was accused of an "irresponsible division policy".

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