Gridling vs. Goldgruber: the SPÖ calls the confrontation to the BVT committee


It was claimed on Wednesday that Goldgrubers had requested the use of undercover investigators and investigators in the right zone, Gridling said. Goldgruber initially denied this during his interrogation on Tuesday, before putting into perspective that he did not remember it anymore. Gridling could recall that such a request had "irritated" him. In fact, the General Secretariat of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) has indicated that it does not wish to receive such information, so as not to arouse the suspicion that it wished to use something for any purpose. policies.

Also in ZIB2, Gridling reconfirms his statements made during the day of the trial – and adds: Goldgruber had determined "his point of view", but it would have been desirable to talk to him about the substance of the allegations (against the BAT, note) speak. "I think I could have contributed a lot to education," Gridling said.

Gridling: "Maybe could contribute a lot to enlightenment"

BAT's director, Peter Gridling, expresses it during an interview with ZIB2 within the investigation commission. He also commented on Peter Goldgruber's statements.

Amon sees "plenty of contradictions"

Because of these contradictions and others, the SPÖ now wants to require a comparison of Gridling and Goldgruber within the BAT Committee. This announced the party after the Gridlings investigation. According to the SPÖ, such a comparison would be possible, the rules of procedure allow it. In principle, the opposition may invite witnesses twice. A third charge requires the approval of the majority. That it is the required confrontation between the two, this should only be decided in the coming days after the review of the commission's minutes.

BAT General Director, Peter Gridling Krummholz

Today, BAT General Director Gridling disagrees with Secretary General Goldgruber's statement

The question of the comparison is decided by the President Doris Bures (SPÖ) after consultation with the judge of the proceedings, said the leader of the ÖVP, Werner Amon. In any case, he sees "an abundance of contradictions". Gridlings' statements "have great credibility for me". He does not understand why the prosecutor ordered the house search of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Fight against Terrorism (BVT), which "caused serious damage".

Gridling wants to fulfill his contract from here 2023

Judge Eduard Strauss did not want to comment on Firstly, he does not yet know this requirement and, secondly, he still has to study the regulation in depth. Only if: if we come to a comparison, we would probably enter unknown territory.

In any event, Goldgruber's claim for protection of the state should not have been the only one of its kind. For, as Gridling announced at the invitation of the committee, the chief of staff of some of the ÖVP's interior ministers, Michael Kloibmüller, has brought such questions to the Federal Office. At the time, people wanted information on the case of lawyer Gabriel Lansky, Gridling said. But he could not remember anything anymore. The head of BVT, meanwhile, pointed out that he had a contract until 2023 and that he would also attempt to fulfill it. He therefore stated in ZIB2 that the trust relationship was influenced, but that he would continue to do his job.

Carnival: no exclusion from "Berner Gruppe"

According to Gridling, his deputy and acting head, Dominik Fasching, posed questions to the deputies. He said that probably an insider wrote the anonymous batch of partly unsubstantiated allegations against BVT officials. Outstanding people would not have known about the written information, Fasching said. "Some aspects" of the brochure, which triggered the investigations of the Office of the Prosecutor for Economic Affairs and Corruption (WKStA), must be dedicated. Even recut, who is the author, have carnival but not. It was the task of the prosecutor.

Vice President of BVT, Dominik Fasching Krummholz

The vice president of BVT, Fasching, wanted to reveal the details of the "Berner group" only during a secret meeting

Carnival also said that the "Berner Gruppe" had never intended to exclude Austria. BAT, however, was concerned that this would happen, said the vice president of the BVT. Details that he could only reveal during a secret session. Fasching also accused him of ordering Sibylle G.s (Extremism Unit Chief, Note) to review the office. He had a conversation with her, it was discussed private matters that would make Carnival on the committee. The disciplinary investigations against the head of the extremism department did not exist.

During the discussions, Fasching had learned that G. did not want to do the work after Gridlings' house search and suspension. That's why he told General Manager Michaela Kardeis that G. may be trying to retire. When asked why he did not ask G., the vice president said, "Maybe my time management could be improved, but at that time (March / April note), I do not know. did not have to prepare a director, a department head, a deputy and a presidency from the point of view of the BAT. "

Load list decided

The inquiry committee agreed in the late afternoon on the other respondents. Before Christmas, ÖPP Justice Minister Josef Moser and Upper Austrian Provincial Councilor Elmar Podgorschek (FPÖ) will be questioned in front of the deputies.

It was already fixed the next day, in just three weeks. Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) and Kardeis are interviewed. There are three more sessions this year, the last of which is scheduled for December 6th. One of them is Moser charged, who is accountable for the events in the judicial system around the controversial raid in the BVT.

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