Gun trader: access to guns is too easy – Vienna


Among other things, the new directive states that magazines with more than 20 rounds (guns) or 11 rounds (rifles) are prohibited: "I just do not understand why this should increase safety. 30 ammunition or an badault rifle? "Says Schwaiger (48)

The boss of the company" Euroguns "in Penzing locates the problems elsewhere:" Access to weapons is too free, it's enough to be 18 years old and wait three working days, there's no training, no examination, "says Schwaiger.Another point of criticism: anyone who asks for a gun or revolver for a firearms license requires a psychological report: "However, these badessments are not recorded centrally, and if someone fails a test, they simply go to the next psychologist. [19659003] A high number of illegal weapons

Schwaiger sees a problem me major in the high number of illegal firearms: "About two-thirds of all firearms-related offenses are committed with illegal guns, and experts believe that some are talking about a doubling of the number illegal weapons, "says the businessman, who proposes a punitive return of illegal guns.

But the number of legal firearms is also high: mainly because of the refugee surge in 2015 / Sales exploded in 2016. In 2016, 4,886 firearms cards and Weapons were issued in Vienna against only 3,151 in 2017.

The Most Legal Weapons in Lower Austria

However, Lower Austria is leading with 289,462 legal weapons and 79,346 owners of 39, firearms. Vienna comes in fourth place with 102,933 firearms and 35,572 firearms owners (at 01.07.). Interesting detail: Only five to ten percent of the owners of (neo) pistols are sports shooters: "The rest [5] gives (due to one criticism, note) five shots all five years, "says Schwaiger. But many Viennese have never had a gun in their hands – like me. [194559005]

"" Today " – Firing test at" Euroguns "shows: The noise and recoil are enormous, the Glock 19 is about a heavy kilo in hand Conclusion: With the roar as in the action movies, the whole thing has nothing to do.If you want to buy a gun, you must absolutely take a course and train yourself with the rifle continuously

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