Häfn fire: prisoners only saved after 21 minutes – Vienna


It took exactly 21 long minutes for the four detainees to be released on the evening of October 16, 2016 from the flaming flames of their prison cell in Vienna-Josefstadt.


Are there enough officials in the country's prisons?

Trial of the Chief Medical Officer of the Old Prison

As reported by the "Falter" in his latest issue, an Algerian detainee lit his mattress that night. and threatened his three cellmates. One of them, Miragha G., immediately pressed the alarm button that connects him to the guards. But instead of alerting the emergency services, officials advised inmates to extinguish the fire themselves. The inmates screamed, kicked the cell door, and then there was silence.

Inmates were stuck in a hell of fire

Video footage of the "Falter" shows how guards walk quietly down the hallway as black smoke gushes from the detention room on the ground floor. "I thought I would die and say goodbye to my son," says Miragha G., crying in the interview. Finally, the Einsatztruppen and the company firefighters were alerted by the officials. But several minutes pbaded before the rescue. Because: This Saturday were responsible for 1,200 detainees only 36 officials.

21 minutes inferno at 600 degrees

For seven agonizing minutes, the small cell of four square meters burned alive. It was only then that the fire department attempted to extinguish the flames through the food pane. As the scary video shows, it takes more than fifteen minutes for three unconscious inmates to be saved from the cell with severe burns. The fourth man, Nabi N., was saved only after 21 minutes. The consequences of hell: All prisoners have barely survived, had to be admitted to the hospital with third degree burns.

No statement from the Ministry of Justice

Miragha G. and Nabi N. are now seeking judicial compensation. "I do not want it to happen anymore, they locked us up with this crazy man, even though they knew it was dangerous," said Miragha G. According to the "Moth", the Justice Ministry was ready to talk to the public. To give an opinion because now a process of official accountability is underway.

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