Stand: 08.07.2018 04:19 Uhr [19659006] An anticipated increase in gasoline prices have led to violent protests in Haiti. At least seven people died according to reports. The government then withdrew the plan.

According to media reports, at least seven people were killed during violent protests against the expected increase in fuel prices in Haiti. They were killed in looting in Grand Port-au-Prince, the HPN news agency reported. The police also spoke of victims, but did not give a precise figure.

Nearly 50% of the military

Many people had previously protested against a sharp rise in the price of gasoline. The Ministry of Trade and Commerce announced Friday that gas prices are expected to increase by 38%, according to an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – even 47% for diesel. The framework agreement with the IMF states that the government will no longer subsidize fuel.

Protesters in the capital Port-au-Prince burned roadblocks, ransacked shops, attacked hotels and burned cars, reported the Metropole radio station. , Isolated shots were fired. In other cities like Cayes, Jérémie, Cap-Haïtien and Jacmel, violent demonstrations took place. The country's airports were closed. In the aftermath of the riots, US airlines canceled flights to Port-au-Prince for American Airlines and JetBlue

Government withdraws plan

The government has suspended price increases for the time being. "We condemn violence and vandalism," writes Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant on Twitter. Haiti is considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The Caribbean is largely dependent on foreign aid, with widespread corruption and violence. "title =" "/>

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