Hamas exclaims Gaza cease-fire with Israel | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Gaza (APA / dpa / AFP) – Following Israeli air strikes on Gaza Strip targets, Hamas announced a ceasefire. The ceasefire agreed with "the occupiers" was obtained through the mediation of Egypt and the United Nations, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said on Twitter Saturday night

. Authorities and military. A similar clash had been declared by Hamas after climbing a week ago, but it had not survived.

A spokeswoman for the Israeli army in Tel Aviv said she could not comment on political issues. At present, however, there are no more attacks on the Israeli side. Army spokesman Jonathan Conricus said that since Friday, 60 targets in the Gaza Strip have been attacked and three Hamas battalion headquarters have been destroyed.

The conflict escalated dangerously on Friday. Palestinian militants have fatally wounded an Israeli combat soldier on the border. An army spokesman told reporters that killing the army was something the army can not tolerate ". It was the first time since the last Gaza war in 2014 that an Israeli soldier died in a military operation in or around Gaza.

According to media reports, militant Palestinians fired several rockets and mortar shells again on Israeli territory. Eyewitnesses also reported that burning dragons had pbaded over the border fence as a source of fire. The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip have been called to be nearby shelters

Israeli fighter jets and tanks fired on targets all over the coastal strip. At least four Palestinians have been killed in the south, the Gaza Ministry of Health said. According to the Hamas military wing, three of those killed were members of the organization.

The United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Nickolaj Mladenov, who was working intensely with Egypt to calm the situation, wrote: Gaza must step back from the abyss. Not next week. Not tomorrow. Those who "want to provoke Palestinians and Israelis to wage another war must not succeed," writes Mladenov.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency meeting in Tel Aviv with military leaders for the rest. To proceed to. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman had already stated that Hamas was pushing Israel with all its might to a "wide and painful military offensive".

In the summer of 2014, Israel and Hamas fought for 50 days. 2,250 Palestinians were killed or later died of their wounds, on the Israeli side, there were 74 dead. Since the end of March, 147 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers and thousands have been wounded in violent demonstrations, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Palestinians call for an end to the imposed Gaza blockade more than 10 years ago. They refer to the flight and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people as a result of the founding of Israel in 1948. The recent escalation of violence has raised concerns about 39, a new war between Israel and Hamas.

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