Harassed girlfriend: Steirer hunts 41 years – Styria


After a dispute in front of the "Base" nightclub in Liezen on Sunday night, a 41-year-old Romanian is now in danger of death.

Around 3.30 am, a 28-year-old man and his girlfriend of the same age were living in the Liezen district with Romanian citizens (aged 39, 40 and 41) in the exit area of ​​a discotheque in dispute.

According to eyewitnesses, a member of this group allegedly pressed the girlfriend of the 28-year-old girl. After several verbal attacks, he came to blows. The couple then escaped into the car of the 28-year-old woman and departed for Admonter Road.

But suddenly, the driver turns his car and goes to the nightclub, where he was heading directly to his opponents. The 28-year-old hit the group, which was a life-threatening 41-year-old. His companions miraculously survived the incident.

The driver escaped from the scene – detention

After the crash caused, Styria continued to sneak up and escaped from the scene. He could be arrested after thorough investigations of the Liezen police at his home.

After the emergency medical care at the scene of the accident, the injured was admitted by the Red Cross to the Rottenmann Regional Hospital. State criminal investigation Styria is now investigating the 28-year-old, against whom the prosecutor Leoben has already received a detention application.

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