Hartinger does not want to live at 150 euros


Vienna. Living with 150 euros per month (less housing costs)? No problem, said Beate Hartinger-Klein, FPÖ Minister of Social Affairs, on oe24.TV. "No problem," says the right side of the FPÖ near Uncensored (see box). "Impossible", meet almost every expert, opposition and social clubs.

bet. As ÖSTERREICH had first reported, now has a trade group the social minister Hartinger-Klein a bet – use 17,511 euros (the minister's monthly reference) – offered. She should prove that she could live a month of this famous 150 euros.

Austria asked yesterday at the blue: "We say nothing," was the brief comment from his office.

80,000 children guaranteed minimum

Background to the dispute: As we know, the government will reduce the minimum security. In the future, there will be only 563 euros per month – with professional qualification and knowledge of German should be added 300 euros bonus.

What Hartinger-Klein now talks about 150 euros, the experts interpret with FPÖ internal calculations. or if alarm: Only 80,000 children depend on the minimum income. However, a spokesman for the Freedom Party tweeted that the minimum income guarantee was "foreign security on Austrian costs". In Vienna alone, of course, 50% of the beneficiaries are Austrians. Does Hartinger-Klein show us that she can live worthy of five euros a day?

Expert: 383 euros cost a household one person

Debt advice calculates how much you need household expenses.

Vienna. A debt counseling statistic shows that an individual for pure household expenses (food, personal care) must spend 383 euros a month. For a couple with two children, the cost already rises to 1 076 € per month

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