Hartinger should show how you can live from 150 €


The Social Democrats drew on the social policy of the government and in particular the Minister of Social Affairs Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ). The reason was a performance of the minister on oe24.TV, which she said Tuesday, if people could live with 150 euros a month, said.

She will be able to "live" despite the planned reduction in the minimum income, says Hartinger-Klein. At the interviewer's remark, "if you can live at 150 euros," she replied, "If you still get the apartment, then of course."

Video on the subject
Fellner! Live: Beate Hartinger-Klein in a great interview

SPÖ makes statements

The general director of SPÖ Max Lercher is stunned by these statements. The "Minister of Social Affairs" has no idea of ​​the reality of the life of the people. "One has to wonder more and more about what Hartinger-Klein does professionally, because with" social "speeches the social minister so that for an FPÖ, although calling a social party, but in reality the reality of the life of the people has as much idea as Herbert Kickl of philosophy, "said Lercher, Hartinger-Klein pointed out that the current threshold of risk of poverty Statistics Austria to 1,238 euros a month

Lercher : "Hartinger should show how one can live with 150 euros"

And Friday, the federal director fixed. "I invite Hartinger-Klein (monthly income 17,511.50 euros) to show Austrian families how to live with 5 euros a day," says Lercher Friday, "The FPÖ's Minister of Social Affairs has no idea living conditions of the population, and in the face of her staggering distance from reality, I recommend Hartinger-Klein to get in touch with reality and instead of entrenching herself in her Vienna office, she should talk to the Austrians about their reality in life, "says Lercher in a broadcast

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