Heat and drought in 2018 also in Upper Austria with a record run


© Geralt Gerd Altmann pixabay.com
© Geralt Gerd Altmann pixabay.com

It's already clear: as many days of summer as ever since the beginning of the weather records, far too hot and too dry compared to the long-term average

"This year's 2018 weather forecast is a unique call to finally launch a climate protection offensive, and the federal government is to report to Brussels no later than the end of the year a climate plan sufficient to reach the Paris Climate Objectives in Austria If the federal government fails, the big movement for environmental protection must think about a referendum on climate protection, "calls Rudi Anschober's environmental actions in the form of emissions by reversing energy, reversing traffic, stopping climate-damaging subsidies and eco-social tax reform that rewards climate-friendly behavior. "If that fails, the extreme weather conditions of 2018 will be only a foretaste of much more dramatic changes for future generations. "

A first annual review of ZAMG states: Even though the months of November and December are exceptionally cold, 2018 will be one of the hottest four years in the history of the 252-year-old show. If November and December are normal, ie within the range of averages for the 1981-2010 climate comparison period, 2018 will be in second place. And if the months of November and December are as warm as those of the last ten years, 2018 could even reach the record of 2014. One thing is already certain: 2018 continues the series of particularly hot recent years. Of the 20 warmest years in the history of the last 252 years, 14 occurred in the 2000s. The seven hottest years in measurement history are currently in 2014 (+1.7 ° C above average for the period 1981-2010), in 2015 (+1.4 ° C), in 1994 (+1.2 ° C) and in 2016, 2007, 2002 and 2002. 2000 (every +1 , 0 ° C above average).

It is already clear that there have never been so many summer days (at least 25 ° C) in Upper Austria since the beginning of the weather record: new records have been recorded in almost all parts of Austria. In Linz, the previous record of 2003 (93 days in the summer) was clearly over (102 days in the summer). On average (climatic period 1981-2010), it would be 56 days in the summer.

Precipitation since the beginning of the year:

Precipitation at ZAMG measuring points indicates minimal totals or a new minimum record in Linz.

The view of the changing temperatures and rainfall since early April is even more dramatic: precipitation in Upper Austria in 2018 was about 31% below the long-term average of April to October. The dry season was only the same period in 1947 (-42%).

In Linz, rainfall was reduced by about 50% and in Ried by about 380 mm, with a reduction of about 40% of precipitation compared to an average period from April to April. October. This is a station record. Precipitation measurements in Linz since 1852 and in Ried since 1872. (Source of data: HISTALP dataset from ZAMG).

In Upper Austria, the period from April to October was 2.7 ° C warmer than the long-term average (1981-2010), which clearly ranks it first in the world. history of the fair. The year (April-October) is in second place in 1811 with a deviation of +1.8 ° C and 2015 in third place at +1.2 ° C.

Article posted by: / holler /

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