Heavy criticism of dear KH-North-Bauzaunwartung


The contribution of "Wien heute" to the maintenance of the extremely expensive fences in North KH has aroused strong criticism from the opposition of the town hall. This reproaches the Viennese SPÖ a "prejudgment" before.

839,000 euros were spent by the hospital badociation (KAV) for the maintenance of the building fence – about 65 times more than the Zweitbieter. According to the Court of Auditors, this would have required only 13,000 – more in North KH: Closing 65 times more expensive than necessary.

The opposition of the mayor reacted with sharp criticism. "No one can be so stupid – not even the KAV bigwigs, who have proven their incapacity to KH-North on every occasion, but it stinks gravely for corruption," said FPÖ party leader Johann Gudenus, in a broadcast

"KH Nord is a scandal of the SPÖ"

"Here we have another absurd example of irresponsibility KAV avoids the money of the Viennese taxpayers," said Christoph Wiederkehr, member of the revolted NEOS, in a press release. The Viennese ÖVP also paid Tuesday the high costs for the maintenance of the North Hospital fence

  Construction fence


The second bidder had much less asked for maintenance of construction fences

"The latest detections at KH North once again show how much negligence has been handled here with taxpayers' money," complained Ingrid Korosec, councilor of ÖVP. "The KH Nord is a SPÖ scandal, the SPÖ has not yet saved what can be saved! We will not be discouraged by detention and concealment tactics and will do everything possible to clarify this scandal." [19659004] No other KAV statement

The Vienna SPÖ accuses the opposition of "independent prejudices". SPÖ advisor Peter Florianschütz was surprised in a program on the behavior of the opposition. Apparently, after two appointments, she disinterested in the commission of investigation and illumination of all matters relating to the new hospital, he said. "Now she is trying to go towards the simplest way of independent media bias," he criticized.

Costly construction barrier at KH Nord

According to the Court of Auditors, the city has paid too much 826,000 euros.

On the KAV side, there was no statement on Tuesday about the ongoing investigation commission on the Northern Hospital, where these issues would be addressed. The next meeting of the U Commission will take place on 31 July. Herwig Ostermann, Managing Director of Health Austria GmbH, and Wilhelm Marhold, former Managing Director of KAV, announced the city in a press release on Tuesday.

KH North in titles for months

He has since known that the city of Vienna has invested 610,000 euros in a well in the hospital area, which has never been realized. According to the city, an external evaluator made a mistake – more on this in KH Nord: 610 000 euros for the fountain.

In March also attracted an energetic contractor for the construction of North KH. He had been instructed to put an "energy protection ring" around the hospital for 95,000 euros. The prosecution has also opened investigations – more on that in the energy in North KH: prosecutor 's audits.


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