Heiligenblut: A guest hit thieves on the run


A 60-year-old Dutchman put two thieves on the run in Heiligenblut. The two strangers tried to steal the guest to visit him at a cash machine, but as the Dutchman is a close combat specialist, he went to attack.

The Dutch guest stayed at a pizzeria in Heiligenblut until three in the morning. Then he went from the hostel through a park to a bank in the center of the village. At the local ATM, he raised 50 euros, where he should have been seen.

Threatened with a knife

When the man started to return to the pizzeria, a man was stuck in front of the stairs of a hotel. The unknown called with the words "money – your money" the release of the money debited. After the 60-year-old vacationer already had the feeling that someone would follow him when he left the ATM, he turned around. Behind him, a second man stood up and threatened him with a knife about 20 centimeters long.

Specialist trained in close combat

Since the Dutchman was working for the Dutch Navy's special "Marine Corps" unit and was a trained close combat specialist, he went to attack the unknown. He managed to eject the knife from the shooter's hand and hit him with a punch. According to the police, he would have been able to unbalance the second thief with a sweeper and then throw him with a punch. Immediately afterwards, the Dutchman fled to his vacation home where he alerted the police.

No trace of the authors

However, an immediate search for a small white car, possibly linked to the act, did not succeed. However, it is clear that the two authors, because of the defense of the tourist aged 60, could not loot. The Dutchman was not injured, with the exception of a slight blush on the left back of the hand.

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