Heinrich paintings stolen flies – wien.ORF.at


In early July, two paintings by the painter Johann August Heinrich disappeared from an apartment in Hietzing. Apparently, the owner's housekeeper was the subject of an investigation as an alleged thief.

Works of art worth € 200,000 had been deposited in a second-hand bookstore in the center of Vienna. Police spokesman Paul Eidenberger confirmed on Saturday a corresponding report of the "Kronen Zeitung"

  August Heinrich paintings

BKA / Privat

They were sold by the suspects for a few thousand euros . There are no other details about flying the flight in the premises of an elderly lady.

  August Heinrich paintings

BKA / Privat

Exposed to the Belvedere

The stolen paintings were exhibited at the Belvedere in 2015 for the exhibition "Europa in Vienna." The Congress of Vienna in 1814/15 "was exposed, reported the" Krone ". Since then, the paintings "Blick gegen den Kahlenberg von Grinzing" as well as the "Blick gegen die Donau von Grinzing aus" are known in international artistic circles.


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