Helicopter overturned, pilot slightly injured


A helicopter is overturned Friday morning at a stopover on the Wolfsberg Airfield in Carinthia. According to the police, the 47-year-old pilot only survived the accident with abrasions, but the aircraft suffered total damage. The cause of the accident was initially uncertain, the man said to have come just above the ground to spin.

The pilot wanted to refuel the helicopter, which belongs to one of his friends, said spokesman Mario Nemetz: According to eyewitnesses, he landed a little too far from the tank, it is why he slightly went up the helicopter, he only measured one meter in height in the air. During this process, the machine was spinning and tilting to the side.The rotor blades plunged into the ground, after which the helicopter was projected.

Studies were still in progress on Friday. The Air Accidents Commission was to arrive at the scene of the accident at 1 pm

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